Brightest AAA size light available

Thanks, I had missed that. I do see a link somewhere and will follow it later. The 5039 is 12.3 mm. inside diameter, same as a Black Cat and I think same as a Tank007. Length is important but with no hard limit.

Then it should fit, i requested a 13mm expansion for the jexree mini that has a 12,6mm driver for a press fit.
So the plan is to sand down from 13mm to 12,6mm.

Check out the EE A6 GB thread towards the end we discuss Toykeepers new firmware that could be used with this driver, and it sound like plenty of improvement over the usual star firmware

Sounds good. I ordered an other Black Cat from FastTech. They are cheaper from Kaidomain, but don’t usually work out of the box.
Anyone have suggestions of reflectors around 12.3 mm.?

I like magnesium flares, but that is not what I have in my pocket. It draws just over an amp. for around 20 min., which is good for one walk in the dark or weeks of looking under sofas for toys and having a better look at something in a dimly lighted room.
I did give up, for the moment, on my key chain, over 500 lumens for regulation and modes and maybe 200 or 300 lumens, but it looks like we may soon have both 500 max. lumens and modes.

Yeah, up to 160 lumens regulated on one 7135, my thought is if you want you should be able to stack them :smiley: if the fit of course so 2 for 320 & 3 and so forth…… i think you said that you could stack 4 high in you SS.

And because it is 2 PWM channels it should be able to get both 7135 output on lower modes & max power with modes from the FET.

Figuring 160 lumens per 350 ma. 7135, I do already have 480 lumens with regulation and modes with the one in my pocket and maybe a thousand with the direct drive twisty.

From Cree - Flashlight Wiki I get, for an XP-G2 S2 at 1.00 A, 409-431 lumens. Using a strait line approximation, I get 429-452 lumens at 1.05 A. I guess optical loss to be 10-20 %. So I am close but not quite at 500, probably closer to 400.

Doesn’t look like much options out there.

No not many cheap good 10440 hosts unfortunately.

I found this that looks a little interesting
It is cheap and looks nice i but don’t know the pill/shelf design……or if it is even modable.

I think I have one of those on order.

Nice, please tell us how it looks modwise when you get it.

Did you see that they had a lot of different colors of that same light, so if it is a good candidate it would be good for gifting some nice tricked out light :wink:

How about this hugsby xp1?\_mwBanner=1&\_trkparms=aid=222007&algo=SIC.MBE&ao=1&asc=20141212152715&meid=aa177a00aacc4e5089ac0a9636b487e5&pid=100338&rk=3&rkt=30&sd=181628594063&\_trksid=p2141725.c100338.m3726

Yeah it is a possible candidate but i don’t know how good yet, i recently finally got the head open and i plan to try to mod some. it is in the second thread.
I actually mentioned the Hugsby XP-1 in post 15 in this thread :wink:

Check out this thread & you will fast get up to speed on where we are at on the XP-1.

haha i thought the hugsby xp1 sounded familiar.
let us know how your mod goes .

oh, how about this light

looks to be moddable since vinh from cpf did one.
got 450 lumens, he calls it the cigvn.

Yeah it can be modded but it is not easy fitting a driver in it because, if i remember thing right it is a 10mm driver in it, so possible a Tiny10DD could fit but i don’t know anyone who has done it yet.

But if you want check out

There are plenty of information.

I didn’t think to mention the SingFire SF-348, because in my eyes it disqualified itself for brightest aaa flashlight available by being stainless steel.

This is what vinh himself say about his 10440 version
“IMR version is direct driver with permanent LED to brass pill arctic silver bonding. Thermal pad also added to the inside of the light engine. LOL every bit helps.”
And the runtime for the IMR version is untested,

I think it will get really really hot + less bright than (if available) a similar style light in aluminum.

I got to be honest, i felt i was a little hard on the SingFire SF-348 until i got to the second page of vinh’s sales thread, where one customer tried to check out the runtime………it died in 3 minutes :open_mouth: that is even worse than i thought it would be, the led desoldered itself, that guy is lucky thats all that happened, the wires could have desolderd itself and cause a short or the led could have cooked………sorry definitely not safe in my eyes anyway.

wow, it was a pretty popular light it looks like.
21 pages!

yea i wish there was a alum. version. i guess i will keep looking.
and i ordered a couple of them jexrees, those should hold me back for a while, till i find a good clicky.

i know this is off topic, but what about this AA size one. seems smaller than most AA size lights, just a tad bigger than the singfire.

I like the look of it, but again it is SS so i will have worse heatsinking than an aluminum, with the same problem as the cigvn if you decide you want a hot & bright mod.

I guess if you could fit a good driver & tune the turbo timer to a short safe level you could go for a similar SS light & do it at least safer.

I just got a Romisen RC-B3 in the mail. Bought it for $4.99 from eBay US seller. It is very easy to disassemble and looks like an excellent host to mod. The aluminum OP reflector and brass pill are threaded. The stock XR-E is mounted on an 11.5mm aluminum MCPCB with non-adhesive heatsink compound. The brass pill is 15.37mm X 8.78mm. The aluminum reflector is 17.54mm x 11.11mm. The light is 94.08mm from switch boot to bezel and 20.56mm at the widest point (head).

The build quality and component selection is very good. I’m going to upgrade the LED and try out a TIR optic.

I’m bidding on another one, so wait another day OK? :wink:

Looks to have better heat sinking compared to most AAA lights because of the bigger head. But the light itself looks bigger than most ligjts also. What are the dimensions? IT doesn’t say anywhere.

I posted measurements that are bolded in above quote. In addition, the body tube is 15.9mm wide.

Here is a picture showing the RC-B3 next to a Singfire SF-348 and a Hugsby XP-2.

The Romisen RC-B3 looks very large for a aaa sized light, i haven’t really really decided if i think it is too large yet :wink:

New news in the whole Jexree Mini story, it looks like Supfire are selling a Supfire A1 that is a clone of the Jexree Mini/Ultrafire LZZ-06 but with a clicky :slight_smile:

Check out

We don’t know yet how much Amp the switch can take, or if it is possible to beef up the switch, some of these very small switch assembly’s can really limit max possible Amp, even the bigger one often do :wink:

But it is still very interesting possible solution to the question, on where we can find a small aluminum aaa/10440 sized light that modable with a clicky switch instead of the twisty. i hope Jexree will release something similar so we can get some different colors, i am not really sold on the gold one just yet :slight_smile: