I assume they’re won’t be much interest here, considering only a single BLF’er commented on my review. Although it seemed earlier on, a few people’s interests were piqued. Which is sort of why I said yes to the review. It’s a tough crowd, but I thought I’d try anyway. Gear Best wants to know what it would take for a Group Buy of this light? I figured this would be an easy decision because of the popularity if the UniqueFires. It’s possible we’re all zoomed out. It has a solid brass pill, it’s IPX-8, a pill module that’s swappable, mounting bolts for a rail system or whatever you’d like to mount it to, and completely anodized threads inside and out (except for the switch section of the tailcap for obvious reasons). With it’s stock driver, it’s not interesting much, but I have a BLF A6 driver on order and an XPL HI on the way.
If there’s no interest though, there’s no interest. Brinyte needs certain quantities to meet certain prices, so I guess this is Gear Bests way of figuring out how much they would need to order.
I watched your video last evening but real life intervened before I could finish it. This light has a great and versatile build and I'm certainly in for a group buy.
What makes or brakes an aspheric, regardless of how well and thought-out it is made, is the quality of the lens. Uniquefire lenses are a bit hit or miss (my last one, an UF1505 has a terrible lens, I hate it for that), if the lens of this Brinyte is of good consistent quality, it is a great flashlight.
What does one look for in the quality of the lens? How do I know if it’s crap or good? Is there some method to determine other than just a quick visual inspection. I know you’re an optic-aholic, so give me some advice.
I have absolutely no idea. This is just a feeler. Gear Best asked me to just start a thread asking what people expect to pay for this light- because I told them it would be a decent light for them to carry.
Fasttech carries it for $30, it looks like. If you’re looking for it now or from a seller with more reliable shipping.
I could go for something ~$20 here. I’ve got a decent SK68 clone for a worklight but no 14500’s so it’s marginal. 18650’s would give me the runtime I want and I already have those so there is appeal to me in this light. I won’t be modding so build consistency and sturdiness matters to me. A plastic lens is OK for me as long as it’s good. I’ll gave to find time to watch the review vid before I can say more than maybe, but at a low enough price I can see me buying.
*shine it on a white wall in flood modus, is the flood nice and even or do you see mild distortion structures? (the plastic lenses that are used in all small zoomies are optically very good and give a very even flood, the cast glass aspheric lenses usually show some distortions)
*in throw modus: can you focus the die image really sharp (the dark dots in the die are nice and clear, and there is hardly a halo around the die) and is the die shape true rectangular or do you see the corners bend out a bit.
These observations are all of course relative to other aspheric lights, so without comparison it is harder to judge
What is with this tendency to ask people what would they pay? I find it rather disturbing that sellers try to squeeze every single drop of profit from these sales. Is this the latest “thing”?
I don’t like the bland sheet of light when zoomed out. It’s unnatural to me. My eyes focus on the center of my field of vision, that portion deserves to be better lit than at the periphery.
I find the sharply defined outer edge of beam to be distracting when moving the flashlight around.
And I don’t like the oddly shaped and irregularly patterned spot when zoomed in. The spot reminds of Space Invaders (for those who played the video game in the early 1980’s).
Sorry if this is getting slightly off-topic, but I know nothing about zoomies either. Can this statement be taken to mean that a good plastic lens is better than glass for a zoomie? Or are there better glass lenses out there, just not in this price range? What should a good zoomie have - glass or plastic?
Correct, glass aspherics in this price class are usually cast, and optically worse than plastic (glass lenses can be made way better than plastic ones when made properly) . Despite this, I have not seen plastic lenses around with diameters of more than 30mm, so if you go bigger it appears all to be glass.
I guess that really shouldn’t be surprising. I mean, I wear eyeglasses every day with polycarbonate lenses, which is basically plastic. But I’d never really considered it in terms of flashlight lenses. I had mentally put this light’s plastic lens on the ‘con’ side of the equation but I guess that should be reconsidered. This really looks like a nice light. Thanks for the explanation.
Let me address this, so it makes sense. Since I don’t continually monitor all websites and when they get all their products in I don’t always know who carries what. This is a new product, and at the time I reviewed it no one carried it. Since I had a contact at customer service at gearbest and they already carry Brinyte products I asked them if they’d carry it.
I have seen the wholesale pricing for this product and I was asked by the manufacturer (not gearbest) not to show it or disclose it. I can say the wholesale pricing gets better but only in larger quantities. So since this is a feeler, and because we are all cheap mofos, I know, and so does gearbest that group buys only work on certain lights if the price is right. This is how they asked me to do it.
In this time, I have also learned that fasttech stocks it for a very reasonable price. So since I’m not doing this for any nefarious purpose, other than I think it’s a nice light- go buy it there. I got a single review sample which I have since abused and dropped…and I’ve ordered parts from another retailer that already total more than $20 for this light, so it’s not like it benefits me much.
The only way this light will get a little cheaper is if a lot of people are interested. But to be honest, after seeing the fasttech price, and the low interest in my review initially I don’t know how much cheaper the light can get. I often wonder sometimes what people think margins are on budget lights. Sure the nitecores and fenix lights are expensive, but in all seriousness I often don’t know how retailers make any kind of money off group buys for lights like this or the A6.
I will address other questions if I have time today, but I’m doing all this off my phone until I get off work.
They’re not for everyone but they have a specific purpose. If you watch the beamshot section you’ll see the 300 lumen zooming light provides more illumination on tiny areas than the 7000 lumen+ meteor. At that distance, as you can see in the video it just looks like a square. There is no logical reason why a person would turn the light into spot mode at short distances like I did in the review. I did it to illustrate the brightness difference in the modes.
Yes zoomies tend to use cheap emitters, and are often times very very cool white, but youre also right, the optics do have some blueish rings on them on the edges.