Has anyone found a nice case that works for the LT1s? Looking for something that fits the lantern with just enough room for a couple batteries and usb cable. Like how the JBL Flip case is a perfect fit for the my LT1.
Has anyone found a nice case that works for the LT1s? Looking for something that fits the lantern with just enough room for a couple batteries and usb cable. Like how the JBL Flip case is a perfect fit for the my LT1.
Good question. I would be interested too. I have looked, but have not found anything that looks like it would work well.
I came across this case in a Youtube review: JBL Clip 4 Case
You can see the review here: Youtube Video
The case is shown at 3:27
It's not as perfect a fit as the JBL Flip case is for the LT1. It looks like it has enough room for a couple 2x battery cases.
I ordered it and should be here in a few days. If anyone finds a better case, please post it here.
This is it with LT1s and battery box:
Do let us know how it works out. I am still looking too. I thought about what was sort of mentioned above. The neoprene cases for water bottles. If only I had a sewing machine, one could be cut down and a drawstring added to make a decent, very compact case.
I found this:
The medium is 3” X 7” The top of the LT1S is about 2.75” and the length would work for what you wanted…
Large is 3.5” X 8”
Just a thought…
That might work if the padding is removable. Had to laugh at part of the description. "Great for storing or taking your favorite glass pipes and accessories on the go" Could be dual purpose I suppose.
Or if the foam is soft/compressible…
Another thought that I am looking at now. Lens cases, as in camera lenses. There may be something that would be a good fit. “I found one that is 3.5” ID and 4” tall”:https://www.ebay.com/itm/374160859511?\_trkparms=amclksrc%3DITM%26aid%3D1110006%26algo%3DHOMESPLICE.SIM%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D240680%26meid%3D15211de3e30944a2b301d1a11f2fe166%26pid%3D101195%26rk%3D5%26rkt%3D12%26sd%3D353947363799%26itm%3D374160859511%26pmt%3D1%26noa%3D0%26pg%3D2047675%26algv%3DSimplAMLv9PairwiseWebMskuAspectsV202110NoVariantSeedKnnRecallV1%26brand%3DVivitar&\_trksid=p2047675.c101195.m1851&amdata=cksum%3A37416085951115211de3e30944a2b301d1a11f2fe166|enc%3AAQAHAAABIK6kjqEQMYM5Aq%252BOhcaIlwco9wYktoCXAP3D6Fo7POUdlJK1eqFqv5Y7huO6nLq7hjqYjs5sEMudJpf20WlRkR4yOkkULJrYJ6DwGJDEjdmzvIbcDvwS3eseRmeOVGGxbNTKywMSiETSqieNaiWoXAokG5Ft%252B%252FkP6I73oDWART2LPLFjoYITp9QUhPjMTpHT3d%252BHm2dA6vwA0alK0VbyajYZFh87Ei5EacriN7LaBPUrXQ7WYBUt10RbLUc%252BZJUdyGR%252BwBFCpnyPWzbYqP0%252FzXMb94IXw%252Fg4%252BrQG3OsfXpTjcMd0Chm0XDqgu2SQbd22skL80h7VA2eGE19GqbBna1rsjW230w0iOgHb%252BwO6l7UYnJUwSG5FPjibkUVLnGGRog%253D%253D|ampid%3APL_CLK|clp%3A2047675.
Maybe just a bit too big, but I bet there are some closer to what we want. Or maybe just a bit of foam to tighten it up. They are hard sided and have internal foam liners.
Did you get the case? If so, hoow did you like it? How is the fit?
Just came in. It fits well with enough room for a single 2x battery case and zips up pretty much like you see in the Youtube video. I would have been fine with this case and ordered a 2nd one, but you just had to mention camera lens cases. I hadn't thought of that, great idea. I just ordered this set: Tycka Lens Pouches
I'll use the smallest one for just a LT1s and another for my 2nd LT1s + battery cases. I have 1/8 and 1/4 inch sheets of neoprene foam rubber to use for a snug fit on the larger cases. I'll be left with matching cases to use for all my lantern and flashlight accessories.
I got one of these
It is OK, maybe a bit small. I had to take the bottom pad out because it was turning the light on when I zipped it up. Without it, the LT1S fits snug but OK. Still plenty of padding on the sides and the top. It is mainly for storing it in a drawer or packed in a duffle for car camping. So it should be fine. Though, if I would do it again, I would buy the next size bigger.
Definitely no room for batteries….
“I got one of these”:Amazon.com It is OK, maybe a bit small. I had to take the bottom pad out because it was turning the light on when I zipped it up. Without it, the LT1S fits snug but OK. Still plenty of padding on the sides and the top. It is mainly for storing it in a drawer or packed in a duffle for car camping. So it should be fine. Though, if I would do it again, I would buy the next size bigger. Definitely no room for batteries…
Nice case. The next size up would have room for 2 battery boxes. 4 spare batteries would last a very long time.
I am using hard case dedicated for bluetooth speaker Sony SRS-XB10 which has the same dimensions. There is no free space for battery and cable, but I do not mind it since I use extra organizer for these.
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Maybe a neoprene beer can sleeve?
I think the ID would be too small for the LT1S, but I don’t find the dimensions in any listings. The ones I have had in the past (I don’t seem to be able to find any now) would have been too tight.
Get to a local music store and have a small flight case made, like the ones used for microphones.
Other than that, a case from www.peli.com for expedition or the like.
But anyway, a case for LT1s, really?
The custom case would be intersting, but likely more expensive and too bulky for my needs…
I have cases for most of the gear that I consider to be important. Cameras, telescopes, guns, many knives… even my toothbrush.
Mine will be stored in a drawer with a bunch of other lights about 80% of the time. No reason to get it beat up unnecessarily.
When going to and from camping trips, it will be in the trunk with lots of other gear… again, a case will keep it from getting potentially damaged. I want it to work when I need it.
Spare batteries in the same place at the same time, without having to remember to grab anything else is a bonus.
You know, different strokes. If one never moves it from a safe shelf unless there is a power outage… probably no need for a case.
So, yeah, really !!
For scratch-protecting things in a backpack, I use socks or other pieces of clothing, towels, bags, things that are there anyway.
A flashlight or a lantern is a tool that must get patina with action.
Hehe, when i look at my Petromax, with all its dents and kinks, a Petromaniac would instantly become pale-haired.
Every one of these blemishes could tell stories of the expeditions it has been used at. Now it sits retired as a decoration, cleaned and polished in the studio. Damn LEDs… I miss the smell. And yeah, it has a box it came with, with layers of stickers on it now, but it could not prevent things from happening.
No point in losing time with cosmetics.
No body ask me if we can find one pouch for LT1S?
Do you need a soft pouch to protect it from scratching or hard case?
I got one of these
It is OK, maybe a bit small. I had to take the bottom pad out because it was turning the light on when I zipped it up. Without it, the LT1S fits snug but OK. Still plenty of padding on the sides and the top. It is mainly for storing it in a drawer or packed in a duffle for car camping. So it should be fine. Though, if I would do it again, I would buy the next size bigger.
Definitely no room for batteries….
This is a great idea. I made the video above but I like this idea a lot better.
These just came in: Tycka Lens Pouches
The medium case has a LT1s sitting on top of 2 battery boxes. The diameter is a little big so I cut 2 strips of neoprene foam rubber. The small case is a perfect fit for a LT1s. I used the large case for my lantern and flashlight accessories. I'll find a use for the extra large case sooner or later.