For those of you that carry spare batteries, can you link what you use?
Im looking for single or double carriers for AA/10440, AAA/14500 and 18650s.
Found a few things here and there but nothing that is exactly what im looking for
For those of you that carry spare batteries, can you link what you use?
Im looking for single or double carriers for AA/10440, AAA/14500 and 18650s.
Found a few things here and there but nothing that is exactly what im looking for
For 18650 i’m using this type of silicone sleeves. << link to fasttech but could be found on aliexpress, amazon, dhgate, etc.
I carry & store mine in a Case like THIS.
Several years ago I made some AA carriers out of copper pipe/rigid tube copper. I can’t remember which ID (inside diameter) is an exact fit for AA, but one is. Measure out the length of copper for the number of AA’s you want it to carry & cut that length. I made mine to carry either 2 or 4.
Then get copper ‘caps’ & put a dab of hot glue inside the caps. The hot glue keeps the batteries from shorting when loaded.
Load the batteries end to end + to -, put the caps on & you have a sturdy way to carry your batteries.
The caps are a friction fit & stay on nicely in your pocket or in a pack.
I have been using this method for over 25 years & never a problem.
EDIT:… The Silicon carriers Tally-ho listed above work great for 18650’s.
U-Torch Ut-01 box holds either ten or twelve 18650’s very nicely
I use US army WWII (I believe) matchbox. Not a perfect fit but easy to fix with a little bit of foam and does keep cells dry, no matter what happens.
Prescription bottles once I’ve used up the pharmacy pills.
For 18650 cells I use a Q8.
Yah, I EDC a MH20 in my pocket, and got a SP32v2 on my bag.
I always try to carry lights that take the same ammo.
You could also use an Aleve tube…
I just use the $2.50 Plastic flip top packs that you buy from BG etc.
2’s and 4’s for 18650. 2’s for 26650.
My Soshine 14500 and AAA (Li-po 4) came in 4 packs. Nice.
Jacket/shorts pocket. You’d never notice you were carrying them hey.
P33, probably more like 1960s or later.
I use some of these
and these
Plus I bring a spare light, which doubles as a spare battery carrier
That does make sense Mine is orange anyway, makes it easy to find in the backpack.
OH…. I almost forgot about Storacell , these things are GREAT!!
Highly recommended……
I use some plastic cases like this and put everything inside a waterproof box, like a Otter Drybox but any normal food container box will also do the job.
shame your not uk would have 3D printed any you wanted if thingiverse for the postage cost…
When hiking I always carry more than one light. Apart from one or two small lights just for (really last) backup.
Owning more 18650 lights, I don’t carry loose batteries with me, since the other light serves as a spare.
I have only a few 18350 lights and they deplete their batteries in about a quarter of the time.
So when I have these with me, I also carry some spare batterie around. In pill boxes.
The link with Amazon is just an example, I bought mine some years ago for $1.31/piece from Buyincoins.
But the size comes close. Mine are about 1mm shorter, and the cap could not be properly screwed tight.
So I sanded about 1mm off from the threads of the cap. And now it fits perfectly, watertight, rattlefree.
For 18650s I just use a Convoy S2+ in my bag. For the AA’S for my Headlamp I have a cut down store-a-cell.
Thank you for the suggestions guys!
5 nickels, 9 nickels, 20 nickels……lol…I’ve heard of pennyweight before…. BUT,…I think you’ve COINED (pun intended) a new standard of measure jon_slider… NickelWeight … :+1: _ still laffin’_