Cheap compact tube light

Hello, does anyone have recommendations for a cheap and extremely compact 18650 light with decent output and UI???

Convoy S series are inexpensive compact tube lights of good quality. I like the S2+ myself.

If you don’t like the stock UI you can order on aliexpress and may be able to get Simon to replace the stock driver with the new firmware version:

I don’t own this one…but if you want something shorter than Convoy S…I see it recommended pretty frequently.
DQG Tiny

I have a Zebralight SC62w which I really like….very small for an 18650 light….BUT….not a “cheap” light at all.

Second on the Convoy S series

Eagle Eye X2 is basically an even simpler version of the Convoy S2+, with no hidden-able strobe and sos like the Convoys but might be less brighter (around 500ish lumens). has only 3 brightness level.

Ok. Do you know if anyone here is willing to build a flashlight???


I usually go to, as owner RMM is a regular here.
Use the Search tool and you’ll find the thread (quite long) that’s a virtual history of his participation here and offerings.

There are many others here willing to build flashlights and/or will sell unique already prebuilt lights.

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic: wish here in clear text describing what you want, and see what appears.

What would you be looking for in a flashlight? First off, the budget, list that, then the specs. People here will guide you on what you can get as far as features for your budget.

The above list of the Convoy lights and the Eagle Eye are good. My go to recommendation is currently the Eagle Eye X2R and a good 18650 like the NCR18650B and for less than $25 you have a great combo with the light having a built in charger. The 1A is a slightly bluish white, and the 3C is a creamy bright white color for the emitter choices.

+1 on Convoy S - but ONLY with new firmware.
Had it with the previous one - didn’t like the modes…and blink for changing the modes.

Eagle Eye X2R - also nice light, perfect for a gift (with protected cell), stock UI is better than old Convoy, but again - missing low/moonlight.

Ditto. Just got an off-the-rack S2+, and the UI is kind of annoying. So far, I just keep it pegged on 100%, and when I want to put it on medium, I have to cycle through all the modes to figure out which is medium. When I want low-low, I grab a different light (WK50, Jet1, or mostly my 3buk “bobofett” light).

Frankly, I’d be okay with 30–40 “1-mode”, but doubleclick for 100% (“hidden turbo” or whatever anyone’d want to call it). The S-series seems to be quite floody for use as a real general-purpose EDC, so with all that light spread out all over the place, it might as well be bright to be useful.

Get the Convoy S2+ from Simon. Message him and ask for the new driver/firmware. He will add it for an extra $1.

Well, here are the specs:

Lumen output- 700+

Price range- Best if less than $25

Floody (if not, I have some DC-Fix on the way)

Compact form factor

Isn’t very picky about battery size

Configurable UI (Something like Bistro or A6 whatnot)

I’m not sure if I’m over-demanding of my light… :stuck_out_tongue: Right now it seems like an S2+ with a different driver/UI might do the job.

Edit: I’d do it myself, but I don’t have the time, skill, or equipment to do any soldering. :cry:

That is sounding like the S2+ with the new firmware. Now, pick a color for the light body and a tint for the LED! 4C is a hard tint to dislike IMHO.

Hehe, color? I think black will do the job. As for tint… yeah, 3C-B or 4C-B are all fine with me! As long as it’s on the slightly warmer side of the spectrum.

I’d recommend the On The Road M6 in 5C tint. You wanted a compact tube light and the A6 and S2 lights aren’t exactly compact EDC in my opinion. The OTR M6 is an exact copy of the Olight S20 Baton but with great choices in tint. Fantastic, compact 18650 light and only $35 at BG

Good call on that M6 JohhnyMac! The “full pack” version has the battery and charger included. This would be a good option for a few bucks more than your budget OP.

Here we go again :sunglasses: ! The budget in our name is just to get you hooked, then we blow your budget out of the water. We start with just a little over your budget, and before you know it you have 6 lights in the mail that you just had to get, and your wallet is reeling :smiling_imp:

Welcome to BLF!!

PS…… I’d go with the M6 if it were me :wink:

Whats the battery and charger that comes with the On The Road M6? I dont see any pictures or specs about what they are on the web page.

Same charger is bundled with various OTR lights, from “zish” — I got one too, and won’t use it.

Here’s one mention

Thanks Melven!

Now, I already have a Nitecore D2, a Xtar WP2H, and batteries… I also own a Convoy C8. It’s just the fact that the C8 is a thrower with a not-so-pocketable head… It’s a great light otherwise. I was thinking S2+ or something just as mod-friendly, since maybe in the future I’d like to build a nice little triple. :smiley: I think if someone has an S2+ with A6 or Bistro firmware (or anything w/ DD and moonlight) it’d be up my lane. I’m not in too much of a hurry though. If Richard at MTNElec had the custom build service going… :wink: