microfiber cloth, window cleaner (non windex/ammonia)
I’ve often wanted to try something called invisible glass
I don’t smoke but a friend who does, we found it near impossible to get the windows cleaned, it just smeared worse.
The mistake people make in situations like this is they try to 1 step it. First use a solution of a mild degreaser on a damp cloth (cotton is best) to remove the nicotine. Nicotine is an oil and needs to come off first. During this first step do not worry about streaks, that is not what you are doing, you are merely pre-cleaning and removing the nicotine. Then after this first step you can clean the window as you normally would with glass cleaner and perhaps a micro fiber cloth to get the glass streak free.
For me, there is nothing worse than the haze that keeps on giving.
Lately, I take a paper towel, apply alcohol, and go for it. Works pretty good. I got the idea from a German pre-soaked towelette made for the purpose. I believe the name was Alkoholtuch. The Windex never gave good results for me.
All those have worked for me, (mostly cigar/pipe smoke from Uncle) - but, what I always have in the car is Griots glass cleaner and one of their glass specific microfiber clothes.
Not a pitch, but the best combination I have found for all glass.
Well first off nicotine may be an oily liquid but it is hygroscopic and thus dissolves in ordinary water just fine.
Second off there is no 1 step method that really worked for me while I smoked. But to get a car window to look like it is new I first clean it with ordinary soap water and a cotton rag. Then ordinary window cleaner that comes in a pump spray bottle. I use the cheapest I can get cause they al seem to consist of water, rubbing alcohol and a bit of soap and perfume. That together with a rag.
Then to get that "new car" look you take some newspaper paper. Crinckle it into a ball and apply a thin spray of window cleaner to the window and now use the paper ball to rub it dry.
The paper will tear a little and make a little debris but this is the only way I have ever found that gives a car window that "new" look back. Hope this helps.
Cut a medium size potato in half, use that to smear the inside, let dry about 5 mins at 18-20C, then buff off.
This will be ace for around 4-6 weeks, then repeat.
I found out the spud trick from a mate, and used it on my visor on my bashy for years with total success.
Prior to that I was using washing up liquid in the same manner, but it was never quite as clear with that, as it was with the taty!!