(closed,all sold out) Review: No strobe,L/M/H,no memory "BLF MINI" Light

Strange you can’t tell the diff between med and high, mine is well spaced, and modes are easily distinguishable!
Might add the lube as well.
Anyone else have the same problem with easily cross threading?

My package is still sitting in Germany since the 25th.

Is this still available? Just order trough the Ali Link?

sorry, none is available.(actually i still owe a few pcs to a BLFer)

the Ali link is strobe version now.

This is mini is all finished. no another batch.

An everyone-owned light is not a unique light.

Maybe consider on another BLF light?

So I ordered the strobe Version anyway…
What do.you mean with consider? Is there another thread with a nice BLF deal?

Here’s my suggestion: Feeler thread: Customized Trustfire Z8 (AA / 14500, BLF MINI-style)

Who’s in? :wink:

Good call… …I’d be “in” for several !

Welcome to first poster zecampesien!

It was 700mA on high and 150 mA on medium with a 3V primary.
I checked again and you are right it is easy to see the difference but it was not as noticeable as when using an IMR :slight_smile:

That’s weird. I thought these were all from the same batch?

Are you using a RCR123 or IMR?

Thanks ! I’m a beginner in torchs but an enjoyer too :smiley:

Arghhh… :frowning:
I wanted to be unique also. Shame… I order classic version then.

Arghhh again !
I’ve just ordered 2 Z8 few days before. Am I cursed ? :Sp

Argh...still languishing in Germany. How much longer must I suffer under the influence of the green eyed monster as you all enjoy your minis?


What the heck is happening with all the postal services. Mine is still stuck under notifications received.

Finally a update!

It seems like my package arrived at Frankfurt airport today, so it will probably arrive at my home within the next week :slight_smile:

We are no green eyed monsters.. most of us have blue eyes and blond hair! :P


I want mine!

Do you track with https://www.deutschepost.de/sendung/simpleQuery.html ?

You haven’t enough information do to this (no date, no german registration number) and DHL couldn’t track it.
Try this - it works for me, too. My package is also in Frankfurt now. I think I will get the letter of the custom service next week (order more than 1 flashlight).

I can track it with deutschepost…. Date is 25.10 and Number is RX* without DE. Still in singapore :wink: