Code now public! BLF A6 FET+7135 Light. Short 18350 tubes and Unanodized Lights Available

Some springs solder better than others though, so all depends.

Ingredients: ZnO (24), NH4cl (30), Hcl (6), C3H3COH (30), H2O (12) and Surfactant (3)
Great for soldering stainless steel, copper, iron, galvanized panel which cannot be soldered with rosin

I’m on the list at #302 and #303, make those 3D.
Then I would like to add one 5A to the list.

Thanks for making this awesome GB!


What kind of reflector?

The word “reflector” does not currently exist in the original post, nor first page at all (I also searched “smooth” and “orange peel”).

I prefer smooth, but am more wondering why there is no info.

It would be great if the OP could have some pics of the production samples. Or, at least have a link to a stock A6 so people can have an idea of what one looks like, without searching vendors’ sites.

I saw the same pattern for the X6-SE thread. It’s written from the standpoint that everyone knows what an X6-SE and K6 are, so familiar that we need no links, description or photos. It’s also confusing because the “second version” of the X6-SE is a “set”, apparently two flashlights, yet it’s not clear what the relationship is between the flashlights (why two are being offered—are they supposed to be complementary somehow?), or whether we can buy just one.

Sure, you could make every single thread reader do their own web search, but why not at least include pointers to reliable info? Also, it’s common for very different flashlights to have the same model names, especially when you’re down to a 2-digit model name, with one letter and one number, which is the case for all three of these lights for the parallel group buys.

I recognize the immense effort the team members have put into this, and am not diminishing that. I’ve also read just about every page over the months, and find that for me there’s still a lot of basics left to the imagination. Yet some extreme details I know intimately. I’m suggesting something that would help people join this GB, you know, to start with the basics. Anything that could save time over reading all the content and doing web searches (which results may or may not be reliable), would be helpful.

Would this work with 20mm optics like the Convoy S2+ etc?

There is a link in the op that goes straight to Banggood's product page. :)

The A6 reflector is OP and SMO is not available for this.

A lot of stuff was not focused on out because the meat of this is the driver and the UI in an everyday tube light that comes with an XPL emitter. At the time it started the XPL was just starting to appear in lights but none still had a driver like Wight's and a Ui like TK's so the focus was and is on those two items.

What will be different is the light manufacturer is 1. Manker (same host but hosts are universal) and 2. it will come with a deep carry clip

For the X6v2/K6 Combo.......

Most people do know what an X6 is just as even newcomers realize and find out what a C8 is :) For those that have never seen one here is a link for that:

The X6 form factor is one of the best out there IMHO.

There are absolutely no pictures available for a full sized X6 Stainless host and a proportionately downsized K6 (for a 14500) made of all Copper so until samples get produced and delivered that is all available. There is also a reason why they are being offered as a set but this is not the thread for it. I will say that if they were not offered as sets then the K6 (14500) probably would not have happened.

I do not remember since it has been so long. I have been so satisfied with my 1500 Lm light that I quit thinking about doing other things other than getting it produced.

I know Dale has been playing with some optics that really push this thing and Nitro at one point was talking about producing a copper shelf/pill...which would look really cool but I do not know what he ever did with that.

It wasn’t Nitro it was me, and consider that a kick in my ass to get a print out for quote. This light with more or less this driver and a triple XPL is a very good edc light.

My apologies Joat. :)

It’s your thread Bugsy you can’t be expected to have read it. :slight_smile:

You have the wrong "R" LOL

Reading is not the problem...remembering is

BTW...a piece of copper in there would look cool...smooth or finned.

The diagram should be included with the light :bigsmile:

Hmm. I asked about including a paper with usage info quite some time ago, but it was too early. I’m not sure if a “manual” can be included or not.

It should be included since this is not an ordinary flashlight this is an advance flashlight :slight_smile:

454 # 3D

What tint would you prefer as a bicycle light?

And will it be possible to ship the lights separately (due to customs regulations) if I would order more than one?


Eventually we can realize a PDF in A4 format that everyone can download from BLF…

A downloadable manual is just fine.

TK, think it would be easy enough to post it down at the bottom where user photos go. You could review it to insert the text instructions.
-Arrg-just noticed another change to get done on my tattoo.

Yes, it would be much better as a downloadable PDF, done by members. It it is up to the manufacturer, we will end up with a translated, un-understandable mess.

Anyone remember the motherboard manuals of 15-20 years ago? One could only rely on the pictures, because the translated English was unintelligible. We should give thanks that the ones today are very good.

Hi, Please put me down for 3D tint on my four. Thanks.

200. Netjrb NW
201. Netjrb NW
202. Netjrb NW
203. Netjrb NW