Code now public! BLF A6 FET+7135 Light. Short 18350 tubes and Unanodized Lights Available


I hope you plan to sign your artwork there.

TK has to sign each t-shirt....

Okay, I now want one of each tint for a total of 3.

So, #468 - 1A, #534 - 5A, and add one - 3D, thank you very much!

Well, in that case, how about kicking up the narcissismsarcasm up a notch? I think I even have an outfit to match the color scheme…

Even better, I like it.

But I can't see the autograph...

Where do I send the Money - How Much?


I think her nose will grow when it gets cold out, in that last position… The Moon mode TK was the best…. IMHO….

Contemplating your navel there son?

No sir, just looking to ToyKeeper for advice on what my flashlight is doing…

I consider myself a flashlight nerd, but I would still laugh at anyone wearing that shirt. That’s a new level of nerdiness.

I like the shirt but want it in neutral black please.

On a side note, TK did a great job on the diagram, but I think it still looks a bit overwhelming for some people. If you’re one of those people, just wait till you try it out in person. It’s very simple, as long as you know how to “half-press”.

Full click= on/off
Half press= forward through modes
Longer press= backwards through modes.

Not sure I like the green hair tint.

Thanks for the newbie friendly explanation. That’s pretty cool. Out of curiosity, what is the reason for making it specifically 18 taps for config mode?

What are the main differences between this way of doing it and the Zebralight electronic switch system?

On a properly fit t-shirt I’d wear it for sure. :bigsmile:

Hate the Green in the Beam, but Love it in the Hair!


The winning comment right here^

Great one Gunga!

I see you changed the picture to the side instead of at moon… this is probably a good thing, when the picture was in the middle Off pointed at your head and all action went through your crotch. Just sayin… :wink:

Gotta Love BLF:-)


@Frank N. Dale

"Just sayin… " does NOT absolve you...

better than a shirt would be the inside of a baseball cap shield :wink:

It’s not specifically 18 taps… it’s twice around the circle and then a little more. It doesn’t care if you do 16 taps or 18 or 27; simply stop when it stops lighting up, and it’ll enter config mode. This was to make it impossible to get to by accident but still fairly quick to access (about 3 seconds).

The difference between this and a Zebralight… is nearly everything. They work very differently, and finding an e-switch light which is good, compact, cheap, and waterproof is a bit like finding a unicorn. I have some firmware which can run those, but the hosts are mostly nonexistent and the e-switch takes extra room so it would need a bigger MCU to get the same amount of features.

oh, yes yes yes.

“Are you rolling your eyes at me again, honey?”

“No, no, just checking my flashlight setting ….”