Code now public! BLF A6 FET+7135 Light. Short 18350 tubes and Unanodized Lights Available

Thank you for your hard work, bugsy36 and the whole team!

ordered 2 5A's, in accordance with the list :-)

Looking forward to them :-)

Ordered thanks to all involved

No. This is my first BUT Kronos' X6-SE was crazy crazy LOL so I still have my sanity :)

. :open_mouth: :bigsmile:

I’m also interested in what the most adorable shipping is. :party:

My mailman won’t think to steal my light if it looks like a gift for an 7 year old girl! Bonus points for rainbow sparkles.

Can someone post something comparing 5000k to 6500k? I can't make up my mind!! Will one be brighter?

Assuming they are the same bin of LED, the 1A 6500k should produce a bit more Lumens and appear little brighter

I think someone said the 1a would be like 65 - 75 LM brighter but barely noticeable.

Someone more experienced will correct me if I’m wrong. 8)

Banggood must have a robust website, I believe I ordered together with many many others and the site did not give a blink.

Ordered my three lights. Went smooth as silk. Cheers :beer: 8) :beer:

Ordered my 4 :slight_smile:
Made 4 orders to get the value on each as low as possible due to customs.
I hope BG will make separate packages and not combine the orders.

Thanks alot for this groupbuy!

thanks for getting it done and just ordered my 2.

1A and 3D on the way!

Paid $2.80 extra for slightly upgraded shipping.

Thanks all for doing this. :smiley:

What the “Bin” is is what determines Luminous Flux = Brightness, so a Neutral White will produce the same lumens as a Cool White, if they are both the same Bin.

Where this old wives tale (of a CW being brighter) got started is because a lot of the time we see the CW being binned higher - Like U2 vs T6. - In that case the U2 is one bin higher, and so about 7% more lumens.

Again - If the bins are the same the brightness will also be the same.

OTOH - Cool white of the same brightness as a Neutral white ‘can/may’ look brighter to the eye, with the same lumens.


What an effort to all involved and a big thanks. What a compilation of PM's. Wow.

Alright first my GB accomplished!

Thank you guys I realize you’ve been working on this for a long time. I can’t imagine how many hours went into this and I’m guessing most of it for the love of this group (and a love for flashlights :wink: ). I’m amazed by this website more and more everyday!

I’m super pumped I hope I get my 18650’s soon!

Went in for the 1A (6500k) paid the extra $2.68 for priority shipping.

Can't wait to get this light in my hands!

Thank you for this awesome group buy!!!

I’m wondering if it is possible that the 3D, or possibly even the 5A (doubt this one) will be binned higher than the 1A. Any thoughts?

Order placed. Code and selection worked
Flawlessly. $25 even for each. Now a little more patience
Is needed…
Thanks everyone for the efforts.
