Code now public! BLF A6 FET+7135 Light. Short 18350 tubes and Unanodized Lights Available

On turbo I can feel the heat starting in about ten seconds and that’s on a Panasonic, I’ve yet to try my HE2s or 25Rs. On turbo it’s not far off my K3 for lumens output going by eye-stimate :wink:

I’m just glad you didn’t want tacos. Those really wouldn’t survive the trip.

You make it sound like your S1100 lit up the moon for that picture. But how much power would it really take to light up the moon?

Are dimensions of this light available anywhere?

I’m trying to figure out if this Ti clip is going to fit and what
diameter o-rings and tailcap I need for GITD replacements and spares.


It has lower modes too. It doesn’t have to run at six amps all the time.

So does it get piping hot? How long does that take?

The diameter appears to be the same as a Convoy S2 and I’ve been using 18mm x 1.5mm o-rings in mine.

Interesting with all these dancing around. How hot does it get if left on for a minute? Two minutes? Three minutes?

Just don’t leave it on high unless you’re holding it. Problem solved.

It depends on several factors, like the ambient temperature, wind speed, how you’re holding the light, the type and state of the battery, etc. The short answer is: It can get very hot, so you should allow the turbo step-down to do its job and also manually turn down the power if it gets too hot. Unless you want it to melt itself. If that’s what you want, you could wrap it in a blanket on turbo and it’d probably start a fire. Maybe even explode. Great fun for the whole family.

This light will not keep you from shooting yourself in the foot.

This light is really intended for Flashaholics.

Be VERY CAREFUL who you gift one too!


I really did think of that Chuck, and decided against gifting one. The friend I had in mind is just reckless, and will need something with less power. I don’t want to have to worry about anything bad happening.

So that means tailcap is 16mm? Any thoughts on the clip?

for that kind of people the EA81 will be pefect i think…

Rey’s Ti clip looks like it should fit, but the included screws aren’t going to help. You’ll need your own screws and something on the other side to hold them.

I can fit the clip onto mine and the holes appear to line up closely enough, but the clip is a bit short for this light and it will interfere with unscrewing the tailcap.

[quote=DB Custom]
I used the A6 5A last night and in real world use outdoors the tint made less difference to me than I would have thought. I found myself in mode 4 or 5, searching for an item in our shed and spotting a bolt stuck in a flat tire, plenty bright in use and the tint was really of no consequence.

Dale, do you see ‘rosy’ at all in the tint? Don’t like rosy here, at all. Guess I ordered the wrong one.

THANK YOU to all who commented on the tailcap spring mod. I watched some threads in the Forum on it last night.

(I will just play with my Olight M3XS UT that arrives today!)

This one is from Simon’s store and should fit but obviously one can’t be 100% sure until it’s tried on the A6.

I didn’t really think about those things. I guess I’ll pass then. Thanks.

If it doesn’t, then I will have an excuse to buy light it fits on, win-win. :bigsmile:

EDIT: Found both GITD o-rings and tailcap on

Rosy is 3D, campfire is 5A… if indeed my sample light was 5A. It just looked that warm orangy campfire color to me.

I don’t have it any more, gave it to Old_Lumens to play with. :wink: Told ya I would be sending it away poste haste…

So strange, my XPG 5A is pretty rosy, not at all yellow…maybe this is the unknown between 5A1 through 5A4 at work… I wonder how varied the tint range is? Your picture did look pretty yellow and frankly a pretty nice color to me, can’t wait to get mine!

Try it in the fog if you get another, those yellowish tints are awesome if you are out early or late in the fog, or just in rain, they tend to cut through it while brighter/whiter lights reflect back in your face and reduce visibility.

Um, I seem to have given the 3D variant to Justin, I have the campfire scout here. :~