Code now public! BLF A6 FET+7135 Light. Short 18350 tubes and Unanodized Lights Available

There is a search function at the top left below the banner, but if find that using google with
budgetlightforum & whatever keywords i want to find works better.

One problem with searching in this kind of thread where the title changes is that the indexing for searches seem to work worse than thread titles that never changes.

Please ban the retards that are replying to the PM, they should not be part of GBs if they cannot follow very simple request.

Love it!!!

Sorry, I simply could not resist.

got them today and i ordered late as i had to cancel the first order as i ordered the wrong tint.
some pictures of them below.

must be one of the best tourch i have owned

edit: some one has already taken one as they liked it.

That is why I keep telling everybody to get what they need and what they want while production is in high gear. Once you loan the light, show the light, or even set it down - anything that allows it to go into another's hands.....the light has an unintended problem....IT DISAPPEARS

Glad you like it. TK, Wight, Dale, Kronos, and Neal put a lot of work in getting it right.

I don’t like this guy… He keeps leaving bugsy off the list! Bugsy put a lot of work into this too! Shouldn’t he get some credit?

Bugsy, TK, Wight, Dale, Kronos, and Neal put a lot of work in getting it right.

There, fixed it. :wink:

thanks to all including Bugsy, TK, Wight, Dale, Kronos, and Neal and dont forget the manufacture Manker
for making it happen and other working behind the scene.
this is my first group buy and very happy with it and looking forward to the other group buys currently on.

just need to keep the flashlight vampires away, maybe a garlic coated flashlight… :bigsmile:

Doesn't work...tried that. Must be a cloaking device or placed in a lock(ed) box.

Unfortunately there was not enough coding room left for TK to program the cloaking LOL

My 2 A6’s will be waiting for me when I get home from work today! I charged up my cells last night in anticipation. Can’t wait for it to get dark outside so I can really try them out.

Great job guys. I’d better respond to the PM to make sure everyone knows I said this!

Woo Hoo! It’s like Christmas in August! I haven’t had time to do more than open it, pop in a battery to check if it works, and take a couple crappy cell phone pic’s, but so far everything looks great.
I really don’t have any batteries that’ll do justice to this little gem, but I’ll have to wait until I get more money to solve that.
Thanks again to everyone involved it this project. I very much appreciate all the work you put in on this amazing little light.

What’s funny is that those responding to the group buy message found this thread to get in on the group buy but can’t find it to thank those involved in putting it together. They found the code on the list of members but couldn’t find the bit that says don’t reply to this message. They found the bit that said don’t reply to this message but found out they couldn’t be bothered to respect it.

I got one of mine today and it is DOA :_(

Even cheap laptop pulls will make this surprise you. :)

That sux. BLF, Manker & Banggood will take care of it. (I hope)
It’s bound to happen to a few people.

What battery did you try?
Can you open it up and look for bad solder joints etc?

I don’t really see how this light could stop selling, there is nothing like it out there, all they have to do is like Convoy offer lots & lots of options, more tint options & soon the short tube plus the bare A6.

Until something beats it in performance in the form factor, and we are almost all heat limited & power source limited here, and that means it should only get stronger when better cells come on to the market. And sure new leds also, guys have asked for the XP-L HI for example, if they would offer it they could probably easy sell a few hundreds extras quick at least.

And now with the latest development here @ BLF with the attiny25/45/85, hopefully soon we will most likely have these kinds of drivers with plenty of new options like thermal protection and multiple mode groups like the guppydrv.

If not a better host have been found then, I hope this light will get updated with the latest developments just like the X6-SE 2, i mean it would be great if Manker could have a range of BLF edition lights in various sizes with all the latest & greatest mod tweaks we use & find here, for everyone who don’t mod themselves or can’t or don’t want to spend the time doing it.

Yes, that is really disappointing!

Take it apart and look at it. Hopefully something stupid.

Received my 1A today, DOA as well. Light works if I short the battery against the battery tube, (bad switch). PM’d Neal.

Make sure the retaining rings for the driver + retaining ring for the switch pcb is tight, the X6-SE GB had some duds that was fixed by tightening those.