Code now public! BLF A6 FET+7135 Light. Short 18350 tubes and Unanodized Lights Available

Thanks Toykeeper and Dangerous. I’m going to get better batteries and have mostly narrowed it down to the Panasonic 18650PF and LG 18650HE2. From HKJ’s charts it looks like both can supply the required amps and the trade-off is more brightness vs. run-time.

I have lots of Panasonic 18650B’s, Sanyo 18650FM’s and Samsung 26C’s but I might as well maximize the light’s output.

Any thoughts or opinions on the 2 above (or any other ones)?

Personally I fee like it’s a little high. I don’t know that others share my opinion though. It seems like it’s about he same as the Sunwayman D40a, which is a little high for my taste.

Put me up for 2 NW. Thanks!

I’ll probably be able to get the moon mode down to the standard range of 0.1 to 0.5 lumens. It’s usually not too hard to find a setting in that range on a 1x7135 driver. Personally I find 0.2 to 0.3 lumens to be ideal.

I would be interested in a nw one. Thanks.

To get the above numbers, what’s the driver, firmware, ui programming?

The driver is the same driver listed in the OP. The UI and the programming is actually irrelevant until finalized.

Also in the OP..

303 units!!! As mentioned before, the review team is working on the A17DD-SO8+1 7135 driver and its firmware and it is sounding very promising :) After PM'ing with Banggood tonight we can all expect to see production samples after the Chinese holiday.

It’s looking like I’m going to have to be in for two more for a total of 3 NP on tint.

Does this mean that EE have agreed to produce sample lights with the A17DD-SO8+1 7135 driver?

I’d like 1 x NW, please.

It’s kind of irrelevant. The numbers mostly just show a difference between batteries, and people will have to provide their own batteries. They don’t represent final specs for the BLF A6 light; it was merely an early prototype to give people a rough idea of what to expect.

Actual numbers won’t be available until there are production samples. However, it’s fairly safe to say that the final product should be able to give direct-drive-like performance on the highest mode… or at least significantly higher than you can get on any other stock light anywhere near its price range.

This is totally going in the right direction, a unique high BLF-standard is set here. Thanks sofar to all involved! :-)

No. It means that if we can make it work on our end (and of course boost interest and sales) then that is what we are going to ask EE to do if it is possible.

What is promising is the the combination of the driver and the firmware on our end. Up to now EE is not doing the development - we are. Once we are sure of something rock solid that is when we turn it over to EE to see what they can do to accommodate. The addition of the +1 7135 does add a manufacturing difficulty (that I will not get into) and everything on EE's end will be a different ball game because it will involve mass production and availability of components - but, I think they can do it.

To reiterate...we (the review group) are leaning and working towards the +1 7135 driver and Banggood will take everything to EE after the holidays for production samples to be made.

Thanks for the update. Looking forward to the production samples. I really hope EE builds exactly the driver we specify, without any funny business (because in business, funny isn’t ). By the way, I can’t remember if we’ve talked about it before. Is there anybody here willing to take orders for re-flashing the firmware, for those of us who can’t, in case UI or modes are not to our exact liking?

I’ll take another one in NW.
Total , 1 x CW and 1 x NW.

I honestly have not checked but there has to be somebody that is interested in that :)

Or maybe I’ll just send it over to Dale and have him transform it into a quad XHP70 pocket-nuke! (Pocket-rocket sounds like too much of an understatement, no?) Then, we’d have a TRUE moonlight mode - if you go 238,900 miles away and shine it back to the earth from there!

That's what I always thought moonlight was....shining light on the moon

In for 1 NW.
If EE actually builds the driver with a low Rds(on) mosfet + 7135. I know substituting components, often secretly, is popular with chinese manufacturers.