Code now public! BLF A6 FET+7135 Light. Short 18350 tubes and Unanodized Lights Available


I would suggest the second scenario.

Although I am fine with the soldering iron the software config is much more convenient - we will not be tinkering around very often with the modes anyway.

Always prefer software to hardware interface :slight_smile:

I prefer the soft config version too. Toggling mode groups is already a thing that is not meant for non-flashoholics anyway, so a bit more complexity does not hurt. And as bdivi stated, mode group changing is not something you do often anyway, unless you love doing that sort of thing all the time but then: the more complex, the better :bigsmile:

I just pushed it to my code repo. Itā€™s ToyKeeper/blf-a6/cypreus2/* .

The UI is significantly more complicated than the regular BLF-A6 firmware, and can only be reconfigured by recompiling. I finally put it onto a light today, so Iā€™ll be testing it for a while and maybe making changes. The one Iā€™m testing on is a triple XP-G2 with modes ranging from 0.3 lm to 2250 lm. This is not the group buy light, just another one I wanted to build.

I quite like the solder star for memory. As typically I think a user will only set this once (as people tend to love or hate mode memory). But may want to change mode groups more often. With the solder star it keeps it easy to do and you donā€™t need to have it written down to remember which thing you are changing.

Yeah, except when you pass the light along to someone else and they have a different opinion of Mode Memory than you. I agree with the previous posts: Iā€™ll take software over hardware any day. If youā€™re only ever going to change it once, then it doesnā€™t matter as much about how complex it is. If youā€™re going to be changing it every day, then youā€™re one of those people, and a complex software is perfect for you! :stuck_out_tongue:

The easy way, please.
A lot of people here, like me, are not able to open the flashlight and mess with iron solder, drivers and so on.
Thank you.

^ +1 :slight_smile:

Please avoid soldering if possible. I want to think at this as a complete flashlight not a host :slight_smile:

Kind regards

^ +3


I agree also.

add me to the list for one NW version.

Iā€™m interested

Bugsā€¦add 2 more for me please: 2 x 3C


Too late? Not even close :) You have been added. Please let me know if you have a preference.

Good Day ToyKeeper,

Software, Please.

Thank you Very Much,


I vote software also, itā€™s cleaned that requiring soldering.

Iā€™ve been carrying my A/X-6 not so special edition for a while, the biggest problem with the stock version of this light is how the mode selection works, the other problem is itā€™s not bright enough. ToyKeepers software and Wights driver will fix both problems. I fixed the pocket clip issue myself.

Neutral white then. Thanks

Iā€™d rather push buttons (and possibly read a piece of paper) than break out a soldering setup any day.

Seems like some button-pressing would be much faster to the end result (faster than even letting the iron warm up). And many of us donā€™t have a dedicated workshop, so getting ready to solder is not as simple as plugging in an iron. Needing to solder vs. button-push changes it from an ā€œIā€™ll do it right nowā€ thing, to an ā€œIā€™ll do it some other timeā€ thing.

I like the freedom to experiment or change my mind, or change easily enough to suit my needs. I can push buttons. I can also RTFM. Iā€™ve learned to solder being a BLFā€™er, but Iā€™m not good at it, and itā€™s very un-fun for me. I have a lot more things Iā€™d like rather do more with my time. And I kind of thought the purpose of this light was to avoid most of the physical mods. Thank you for asking.


Excellent Post!

What might be Fun for some, would be a Problem to others - Me:-(

Thank you!

Add me in for an additional warm white.

Iā€™d love memory and moon as stars. A third star as all the blinkys possible. Iā€™ve got all the tools to get flashlights apart, so itā€™s not a big deal. And Iā€™ll have to take it all apart to reprogram it anyways.