Complete list of Texas_Ace LED tests with user adjustable comparison chart

Gchart on here was nice enough to find a site that allows for different charts to be easily compared by the user. Thanks a lot for this, this should help a lot of people, including myself.

He then was able to input most of the LED tests I have done so that you can easily compare them.

Very cool and a great tool for those wanting to compare LED's.

It doesn't include all the advanced info from my charts, so here is a link to all the charts I have so far as well.

Complete collection of all my raw LED test Charts

Here is my master list of LED tests, it has all the raw data, some of it will not make sense to anyone but me but it is all there.

Raw data for all Texas_Ace LED Tests

And here is a list of all the LED test threads I have on BLF for easy searching as well

My LED Test series - XP-L2 V5 - Nichia 219C 90+ CRI - Latticebright "XM-L" - XHP35 & PWM efficiency - XHP50 - XP-L V5 - XM-L2 U2 - XP-G3 S5 - XP-L HI V2 - Oslon Square & direct comparison to Djozz tests - Nichia 319A - Nichia 219B 9080 CRI - Nichia 219C D320 - Nichia 229AT - XHP70.2 P2 - XHP50.2 J4 - Samsung LH351D

1 Thank

Bookmarked, thank you very very much TA and Gchart :beer:

Cheers David

Subscribed. Thanks

You’re welcome, all. I hope it helps; I know I’m finding it useful. And thanks again TA for running all of these test.

Very interesting. It’s easy to see why FET-driven lights using quad Nichia 291C emitters get so hot! I’m surprised they don’t fry the LEDs with such a low forward voltage.

Thanks for all your emitter tests! Have really come in handy while building my first few flashlights!

Great! Thanks guys :+1:

Nice work guys. Very handy data and even easier to compare now. :beer:

The chart has been updated with recent results from TA’s test of a Cree XHP70.2 M4 4000K 80 CRI. Check it out here

Cool chart! Thanks.

TA, it would be useful to see a power / output chart as well. Right now it’s practically impossible to compare XHP with 3V LEDs…
Would adding that be possible?

Shouldn’t be an issue, I’ll take a crack at it

If you click the direct links to my tests in my Sig it lists the power and outputs for all the LED’s.

Got to compare it the old fashioned way but it works. If Gcart can make up a graph for comparing by wattage and/or efficiency that would be really cool as well.

Thanks to you both, nice to have graphs to be able to predict vf and lumen’s before you even build a light.
I have used the data a lot, very helpful. The comparable graphs make it even better. :wink:

My favorite isn’t in the list. You never tested a MT-G2?

Nope, never even seen an MT-G2 myself.

Thanks. Having all your LED tests in one spot is very helpful.

Would be cool to add some tests from other users (assuming they have similar setups and agree to it)

Especially would like to see SST-40 and Luxeon V.

The results from different users are not directly comparable in most cases.

None of us have professional spheres but standard calibrated spheres. Since all of our standards are different our readings also vary some.

That said for the most part we are reasonably close all things considered as long as you don’t overlay the graphs.

Plus even small things like the reflow of the LED can have large effects on the results when pushing things to the limit.

Doing separate charts for other testers would be cool but overlaying them could lead to more confusion and issues then it helps when they vary by 10-20% in some cases on paper but in the real world are the same LED.

I agree the specifics of testing are important but honestly I bet you could take one of your Nichia and Cree tests (219 & XPG3 or something) and the same LEDs from djozz and come up with a Texas to Amsterdam factor.