【convoy】H4 and B35AM options are updated

As stabilized I meant constants current working mode (so, as battery drains, current remains unchanged). So, is 12 groups (6A) is constant current driver?

I just pulled off the sense resistor of my L21a (which was initially the 6A 4 mode SST40 driver) and tried to add another one on top (it was already stacked)
Since i did not have the exact same size, I couldn’t get it on very clean and i messed it up, which made me a bit frustrated. After trying to repair it i only made it worse and made an even bigger mess of it.
Than i decided to pull off everything so i got rid of the whole stack and soldered a wire over the sense resistor pads.

The result is (as already expected by Barkuti) that I lost the mode spacing, except for low. So i ended up with a Low mode and 3 Turbo modes :slight_smile:

With a 40T at 4.06 V and the LED4POWER Osram 2mm i measured 8,66 A with my UT210E and measured 16450 Lx (UT383s) at 5 m.
So that’s about 410 kCd wit a standard W2 :beer:


Red LEDs are difficult to order.

The two drivers are the same in other functions except in the modes

it’s 3535 size.
Of course, 3030 LED can be soldered to 3535 MCPCB, but it will be skewed.

Thank you Simon!

I popped some 2700K LH351Ds in my S12 and hoooooooo boy it’s ridiculous how orange that is. I think I’ve definitely found a CCT too low for me.

If you’re used to even “neutral” 5000K, and 4500K-4000K seems “warm”, yeah, 2700K will seem downright yellow… until you get used to it. :laughing:

If I go outside and start shining around with a WW light, it’s not bad at all. And then even 5000K seems horribly blue.

Have you still got the S12 Nichia219c 4000k around? How wide is the beam compared to the LH351D’s? I got 4000k and 5000k (PCB) LH351D S12 and it is probably the floodiest light I’ve come across. The size of the hotspot is good, but it’s the spill that spans too much.

Ah, I should have thought about that. I haven’t used the S12 in a while, so I can’t really remember the beam profile of it that well; last time I really used it was out on the fireground at night. I swapped the emitters out, so not a separate light.

And yeah, my preference is around 4500k, did it more of a joke than anything, but I think I’ll keep it like this.

Biga55 dome emitters are too floody for S12. That’s why i was asking Simon for TRIPLE 3030 MCPCB on S12.

I have 219C 5700K version and it’s perfect but i’d say SST20 perform even better. Never saw comparisson photo though.

I could pop some SST20s in it, but ehhh. It’s a specific use case light for me; I’ve got enough that fill the mid-throw category :wink:

I know... but it looks cool anyhow. Too bad it’s only available in black :/

Triple CSLPM1.TG would be more than enough :sunglasses:

Which light do you use the most?

Either my D4V2 with sw45k, or Zebralight H53fc.

I’m somewhat spoiled for choice .

Thank you. Yeah, I can imagine, lol.

Might be a bit off-topic, but the description “a Low mode and 3 Turbo modes” made me remember something. I had a malfunctioning UTorch UT01 (AA/14500) flashlight which developed high parasitic drain and some “issues” — one of which is similar to what you mentioned. Normally the UT01 has 4 brightness levels, but it now only has 1 Low mode and 3 Turbo (highest) modes. I wonder if that could be a similar problem (I didn’t tinker or mod the UT01 - it just developed problems by itself, and I had used it very rarely).

Hi Simon, are there any plans for more emitter options for M1?
Sst40 to be more specific, or just M21B?