【convoy】H4 and B35AM options are updated

Thx bought one with 26800 extension tube :partying_face:

Ordered the M21F in 1800k, as well as the T3 and 5 deep red LEDs. Has anyone tried to run the T3 with a red led on a AA battery? I’m guessing the boost driver should handle it as long as I dont use a lithium ion battery? I’m going to give it a shot.

Here's my review of my newest Convoy flashlight...

Convoy S16 with SFT40 review [Budget compact 21700 thrower King!]

Simon, which case is suitable for the M21F?

Is there a new blf discount code? For ali

Do you have any idea when the 519As will be in stock again? I was going to order some and I kept putting it off until they were out of stock.

M21F GT FC40: as a more neutral color fan, what would be the preferred Kelvin in this light?

I asked Simon over the weekend, and he said 3-4 weeks.

Wow…the GT-FC40 army has been unleashed! Surprised to see that earlier this evening when I visited the store.

Simon, question about that emitter and the lights/drivers. What current is are the drivers delivering at 12v? I noticed in one listing that you recommended a battery that can deliver 11A or more…and I see the old L6 upgrade drivers say they put out 2.5A.

I might have to buy one of these soon.

Had my eye on one of these but wasn't completely sold on the setup, but this is making my doubt those doubts. Thanks for the review!


As for the newly-released GT-FC40 hosts/drivers - it looks like the M21F is the winner. I have one on the way as well! The M3-C looks interesting though - I need more lights for my 26650 cells.

If you send Simon a message through aliexpress asking for the BLF discount he will send set you up. I haven’t used it because I can afford to pay full price and I appreciate how Simon works with us and builds and sells things we ask for. I have never found another manufacturer as helpful as he is.

Also he has said that it has been a rough time for his business with the lockdowns and everything. I’m sure he can use the extra support.


You might also try the Convoy fans page on Facebook. I usually message the admin and they tend to have a current 10-15% discount on hand. I haven’t done it in a few months though.

no suitable diffuser for M21F currently ,
diameter of the driver 22mm

C8 case

The next batch will arrive in early May.
I ordered 6000pcs 519A 4500K,

Is it possible to initiate a poll in the forum?
Voting options are 5700K, 5000K, 4500K, 4000K, 3500K, 3000K, 2700K for 519a.

I’ll be ordering 2 pcs of the 4500K 519 when they come back in stock.
I also want to replace the lens on my S2+ with the new green coated one. Do you have it available separately? If so, I’ll be ordering that too.


I don’t know how to do a poll, but my vote is to get 5700K, 4500K, 3500K, and 2700K. I think that will provide a good variety of CCT’s without you having to stock all of them. I suspect 4500K & 3500K would be the most popular.


Definitely this.