J-Dub… Thanks for all your effort on trying to get the L2 right ;). Its a difficult & frustrating task! We’re all going to owe you!
Hey KawiBoy1428 thanks for posting all that info. I haven’t had a chance to open mine up beyond putting in the battery!
Your welcome! I de-domed the stock light last night, just to see what it would do stock with spring bypass’s, 136cd. But the beam got a little ringy, with a big ring from the reflector base. The reflector will sit on the board with out the centering ring, with out shorting out. Upon further investigation…………Edit: The reflector is shouldered and locked/trapped between the head and bezel, I had to add a stripped 20mm Noctigon to raise the emitter star closer to get a better focus, and solder the leads to the outside of the contacts to clear the reflector base. I would leave the dome on! The e-switch, I would like to see a rubber boot for sealing purpose’s, I like the Crelant 7”G”10 and the SD75 button they work really well!
J-Dub… Thanks for all your effort on trying to get the L2 right ;). Its a difficult & frustrating task! We’re all going to owe you!
BLF doesn’t owe me. I’m just glad I can contribute in some way. People here are way cool and have helped me plenty of times. I don’t have the skills to mod a flashlight. I can’t even swap an emitter to be honest. It’s on the list of things I want to learn but until I have the time to learn to properly solder and desolder components I just don’t want to mess up my lights. I am persistent though and I sure can talk. :D. Sure it’s frustrating sometimes but it’s also very rewarding. I get to help Simon and BLF… talk about a win-win.
While we wait for Simon to work out all the details I can at least give name this beast.
The name of the new XHP70 2-cell version will be the Convoy L6.
Im thinking now. Whats the chances of the L2s SMO reflector fitting the new L6? This will give the additional option of building the L6 as a dedicated thrower with one of Richards MTN-MAX buck drivers. Id like to specifically have the twin cell thrower option for longer runtime & regulation. Ouch, Im also remembering now the MTN-MAX driver is not suitable for use with eswitches, this will be an issue on the L6. Ok, well there goes that hope…
Im thinking now. Whats the chances of the L2s SMO reflector fitting the new L6? This will give the additional option of building the L6 as a dedicated thrower with one of Richards MTN-MAX buck drivers. Id like to specifically have the twin cell thrower option for longer runtime & regulation. Ouch, Im also remembering now the MTN-MAX driver is not suitable for use with eswitches, this will be an issue on the L6. Ok, well there goes that hope…
I’m guessing it will not fit since he said he would not be making an OP reflector for the L2. If the reflectors were interchangeable I think he would have mentioned it. I haven’t entirely given up on pushing for the OP reflector and extension tube for the L2. I’m just laying low for a while before I bring it up again… 0:)
I think I asked at least 6 times over a period of months if he would produce the blue S2+. He shot me down over and over and then finally the reply came back “ok friend I decide to produce blue S2+”.
Same with making this first L2. I got nope, nope, nope, nope… ok I’ll make a new L2.
Persistence is key with Simon.
Thanks Jdub
Any internal pics from those who have received theirs and beam/whitewall shots please?
I guess Im waiting for review on this thing :D!
I haven’t entirely given up on pushing for the OP reflector and extension tube for the L2. I’m just laying low for a while before I bring it up again… 0:)
Since Simon is working on the L2 successor that will be designed to incorporate BLF member desires, personally I’d just leave the current new L2 as it is and let him use his time on the successor and other new convoy things. The plans for the successor includes an extension and an OP reflector, no? You and him are bringing great convoy things but we need to remember Simon is just one guy with a daughter and limited time. A little guy as far as flashlight companies go, without the better economies of scale that larger outfits can get. Iirc there was mention that Simon actually lost money on the first L2 when all was said and done. I’d consider maybe slowing down to make sure the current products really sell enough to make money after expenses.
Again you and Simon are doing great things. I hope this doesn’t come out as negative to anyone.
No worries Halo. I certainly don’t take it as negative. You’re expressing concern for the well-being of a valued member of the flashlight world. That’s what BLF is all about and why I love this forum. No negatives there my friend. If I go back to Simon about an OP reflector and extension for the L2 it will not be for a few months and only if I see a real call/need for it and I think it will be profitable for him. I have great respect for Simon and the contribution he’s made to the flashlight community particularly In the budget category. As I’ve said before, the quality per dollar you get from Convoy is unmatched in my opinion. I have no intention of trying of trying to push him into more than he can manage. The reason I started this communication bridge between Simon and BLF is a combination of respect for and wanting to help both Simon and BLF. It was when he told me about his personal situation that left him no time to keep up with BLF that I offered to start doing this. It’s worked out well for all parties. Oh and as far as I know the L6 with be a double length tube only so those wanting to run a single would have to use a dummy cell to bridge the gap…
I ordered two from Simon directly which beats banggood price they do have info on the site. 173mm(L) x 35mm(Body) x 64.5mm(Head)
I ordered two because I wanted to do one XPL and one XHP.
Learning that the extension was less likely was a letdown. I can’t understand how a company would sell a host, that weighs 514 grams, and limit it to only a single cell.
My first build in an awhile so any input would be appreciated.
It is great to see how far modding has come since I did my first P60. (6years ago) I can remember then some of the older modders talked about the times when pushing a few more lm was a big deal. What we have now, which is even easier to obtain, is leaps ahead.
The first one shipped on 11/4 coming to the US
Thanks for any help.
Thanks for joining our forum!
I really like the way that you think!
Edit to post #282! I found that the reflector was NOT sitting on the emitter base but above it? The reflector is shouldered against the head and secured by the bezel. I had to add a stripped Noctigon to raise the emitter board to get a better focus, and solder the leads to the extreme outside edge of the contacts to clear the reflector base. |( The hot spot got tighter but the corona got larger too. So BEWARE!! :bigsmile:
If I get a larger Corona, where can I get a bigger lime?
You can have mine, and the corona too!
lol, I don’t drink the stuff myself, used to, a long time ago.
Interesting though, about the corona growing with the focus of the de-domed emitter. I don’t mind a good corona as long as it’s dim and the hot spot is concentrated. Will have to check it out…
You have one on order Dale? We need lots of pics
Left China on the 4th, should be here in record time, tomorrow probably. (yeah, right!)
Blame JDub for this one, he set me up…
lol, I don’t drink the stuff myself, used to, a long time ago.
Interesting though, about the corona growing with the focus of the de-domed emitter. I don’t mind a good corona as long as it’s dim and the hot spot is concentrated. Will have to check it out…
Yeah Dale , the centering ring made the hot spot Hot and clean. When I removed it, I was thinking it was sitting on the board? Measurements didn’t change? That’s when I figured out it the reflector was shouldered out on the head. I had to add a stripped Noctigon to raise the LED up, and now that the reflector sits on the board with out a centering ring, the spot got tighter, the cd went up, and the corona is larger and pronounced? It still looks like you can get more out of it, but unlike the Courui’s with their flat bottom base this reflector has a step, which would need to be removed to get more out of it, and then the reflector relieved to clear the leads, to keep from shorting out. I have (5) Courui’s and (3) TK61’s tuned to the max, one Courui that I removed the whole bottom of the reflector off to make it fully adjustable, my crash test dummy if you will, and I too don’t mind that light little almost invisible ring of a corona from the base of the reflector when their tuned right? :bigsmile: This one is not worth investing more of my time, unless I can get a few more reflector’s? I have too many SD75’s to build!