Convoy L2...Guess who's back???

There are available but the current isn’t high .

1 cell :

2 cell :

Would a 22mm driver fit inside of a c8? Or would it have to be bigger like a l2? I think a xhp35 c8 or x6 would be a interesting thrower. Or maybe if its s tight fit could be slightly filed down possibly? The current could probably be boosted on the driver. The xhp can’t handle to much but if it could be bumped up to 1.5-2 amps instead of 1 would be some decent output

The thing is, an XHP-35 at that 1 or 2 amps barely makes the same lumens as a hard driven XP-L. So a lot of trouble will be gone to with the driver and cells to get back to where you started with an FET and XP-L. And throw is still more from the single die XP-L than the 4 die XHP-35. It is only when the XHP-35 is pushed hard that the lumens output makes a significant gain to be worthy of all the hassle.

Good info Dale, thanks. :+1:
What would be considered “pushing the XHP-35 hard”?

If you back up a few pages the info is there. 2.5 amps is considered optimum if you want it to “Live”? Feeling lucky start off with a 3amp MTNMAX work backwards choking the current down, remember about a 10% or more, surge or spike is possible or get a LD-2 or LD-2M2 and get adventurous!! :+1:
Quoting Dale here…
The LD-2 M2 is designed for high amp situations which this is not. (Well, mostly. I ended up with 3.13A to the XHP-35 which is over the top and I keep wondering if/when the emitter is gonna fry. I have a second copper disc under the DTP mcpcb so maybe that’ll help.) Also, running 4 of the 2000mAh 26350 cells, I figure they’ll sag and drop voltage fairly quickly so they won’t deliver the max current for long.

Thanks ‘KB1428’. :+1:

Your welcome! The LD-2 is 17mm the LD-2 M2 has a 25mm base with the LD-2 on top. You can get the MtnMax in 17-22-26- 27.5mm I believe.

Do you remember which driver? I just ordered a L2 to use the short tube with my L6, and building a nice thrower with the remaining parts might be a good idea.

Richards buck driver at around 5.5A if I remember correctly. I gave the light to JDub or I’d crack it open and double check.

Edit: The L6 with that short tube and a pair of 26350’s is pretty dang cool! :smiley:

Any news about the little brother L1?

Could anyone please advise me to where I can pick up a new replacement reflector for my L2…?
I really don’t want to bother Simon about this since he’s so busy.
I really goofed it up and now I have a cloudy mess, maybe there’s a special polish and cloth.?

Thank you

That sounds about spot on brother. Shines like a laser beam and I can light up a deer’s eyeball at over 300 yards. Couldn’t tell if it was a coyote or deer at that distance but with a pair of binoculars and the FrankenDale XP-G2 L2 it was quite clear. Poor deer probably couldn’t see out of one eye for a week. I’ll be sure to apologize to him on November 15th. :zipper_mouth_face:

Edit: This Jared guy giving away cameras sounds like a pretty cool dude. You two should team up and work on some projects together. Who knows what could happen. Maybe you could even get KawiBoy involved. What a team! :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, giving away sounds so, so, Saintly! It was more of a trade… :stuck_out_tongue:

What you’re describing is not recoverable. Just go to Simon’s Aliexpress store here and tell him through the message system that you messed up your L2 reflector and ask how to buy a new one. Tell him you’re from BLF. I don’t know if he has any on hand right now but he takes care of his BLF friends so I’m sure it can be worked out.

Ha! I know the guy. He’s no saint. Even if he intended it as a gift I imagine he’ll end up with the better end of that bargain. :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

Thank You J-Dub, I was was fairly certain that what I did was not repairable so I guess it’s off to Simon, thanks very much, I appreciate your advice.

Will the proposed L2’s little brother / C8’s big brother be getting its own thread?

Au contraire, mon Ami! I have hand polished quite a few reflectors to a mirror finish that are perfectly acceptable. It only takes some elbow grease, time, and a slow running water with a few grades of wet dry sandpaper and Mother’s Billet Aluminum Polish with an old newspaper in the end.

T18, if you have trouble finding a new one send me yours and I’ll polish it. :wink:

That’s cool! Never thought it was possible, but then I was surprised when I found out the yellow dull finish on some aged headlight covers could be made clear and almost like new again by sanding with fine grit wet sandpaper and polishing

Indeed it will but there is much more going on that needs to happen before we get started on that one. Once a few more things are in motion I will start the discussion thread for it.