Convoy L2...Guess who's back???

Oh wow, i love that look!
My S2+ clear looks more like painted silver grey, i love the bare aluminium look Jdub!

Edit; THIS one

That looks perfect!!

It’s as I imagined.
To make it a little more ‘raw’ it would be awesome if the machine marks are more visible. (Or is that just me?) :sunglasses:

Not just you…I love that look. You can’t get more raw though without it being completely naked. That said, these pictures were taken on a grey overcast day. It will look different in good light.

As soon as I have mine in hand I’ll get pictures in better light and more in-your-face. The anodizing will to some extent smooth out the machining marks and make them somewhat less pronounced but Simon sent me a video where the same host looked a lot more “shiny”. The video was very low resolution/grainy so really I just want to get this bad boy in my hands to see it for myself. :money_mouth_face:

That is beautiful! I want M1 in that finish.

As far as those pictures go, I’ll just have to by another C8 and S2+ when they get released in this finish

Clear anodizing “raw” look. Shows the excellent machining and maintains more of a bare aluminum look. Visually seeing the path/process and precision left behind look awesome! A piece of art.

More pictures in full resolution Flickr album

Remember in reality it looks much better than in the pictures.

Breath taking pic’s 5ar! :heart_eyes:

Those pics are amazing and do the new L2 finish justice for sure, and like you stated, even more spectacular in person, Simon/Jared my hat is off to you two, and thank you both for the opportunity to get (one of 3) of the first ones! :beer:

Thank you KawiBoy1428, it's easy to photograph such a beautiful light. Yes, exactly Simon and Jared thank you both.

Wow, I’d love to get a L6 in that finish.

Have to chime in, these machine finish L2’s are extraordinarily gorgeous! I think this L2, appearing naked off the CNC (they ARE anodized) is one of the best looking lights to be found on the market today. My 2 cents, I know, but the form and functional style of the L2 really appeals to me in a big way with it’s single 26650 battery tube and elegant styling. The machined look enhances the beauty, shiny silver and exquisitely done it’s just a joy to behold. And with the right emitter/driver set-up, the output is every bit as awesome as the light itself.

This is the light the venerable HD2010 always dreamed of being. :wink:

Well done Simon, thank you! And thank you, Jared, for talking him into this! :slight_smile:

Love it, love it, love it! :heart_eyes:

For the record, mine is not very close to stock form. I’ve tweaked and fitted and the Sliced/Diced SST-40 is pulling over 9A at the tail for 2277 lumens out the front. :wink:

I really really like this look a lot. Just ordered a regular black :person_facepalming:
Dale how much candela did you get with this setup? And how long can it handle the heat on turbo before it is too hot to hold? I want to make the same setup with the black what I ordered two days ago. Or maybe I leave the dome on the led.

I haven’t measured lux yet but plan to do so in the morning. I ran it a good bit outside this evening and while it felt warm it didn’t get hot. I didn’t run it real long, but enough to pull a LiitoKala 5000mAh cell down to 75%.

I’ve cut the emitter shelf larger to hold a 32mm MaxToch MCPCB, opened the reflector base to remove the flat and made a black Delrin cup to center the reflector around the SST-40. Using 18ga leads everywhere but the driver spring bypass which is a 20ga. Beam profile is pretty nice, tighter hot spot than I expected really. I still need to shave the last of the silicone, was too shaky on meds to do more than a slice and dice when I built it. The tint didn’t change though, it’s still blue-white but not horribly so. Oh well, win some and lose some I guess.

The L2 with single 26650 tube is just really an awesome handful of light. This machined version feels almost exotic, find myself looking at it a lot, turning it slowly and watching the various facets catch light and shine, such a nice change from black flashlights. lol

I wish the new L2 give more output may be 2000 Lumens , 1000 L in this body is quite under power.

Thanks! I tried shawing last week for the first time in a Brinyte B158B with an XP-G2 but I only got 153 kcd. Then hot dedomed the led with an x-acto knife and I got 325 kcd. So I think I stay with full dedoming instead of shaving.

Why is this not up for sale yet!?

It looks stunning :heart_eyes:
Would be awesome if there was a single cell tube with tactical ring available for it aswell :wink:

When will we get a Stainless Steel L2 with Copper heatsink?

I still love my old L2 - I moddet it with a FET driver ans a XP-L Hi - this thing is easily my best thrower, even tighter beam than the MaxToch Sniper BLF-TE

Has there ever been a light this large made of stainless steel? I don’t know of any.

Also, what do you mean by heatsink? I don’t have an L2, is there a removable pill section inside? I just assumed the head was a single piece.

Yeah, I mean the head - stainless steel bezel, switch-housing and battery tube, but copper head, like the Astrolux SS

That sounds massively heavy and massively expensive. Would they sell to more than 5 or 10 people? What would it cost, $150?

It sounds cool, but I doubt they would ever be made.