Convoy L6... XHP70 Beast!

It would really surprise me if it took a month (or more) to get your light Mukcep. 9 days or so probably, if all is on par with what I’ve been seeing lately. Please let us know of course… :wink:

Really looking forward to this one, the L2 in short form is a favorite and I’m thinking the larger diameter head of the L6 with the 2-cell tube is going to fit right in.

I just gave an XHP-70 light to my daughter so I’m anticipating this replacement. :slight_smile: I gave her the Trustfire 9x T6 that I converted to single XHP-70. It was doing ~5200 lumens, she even got the pair of Efest 3500’s that was in it. Pretty sure her husband made a pest of himself in their neighborhood Sunday night…

Also gave my daughter an Al Kronos X6, they live up in the D/FW area which has been getting hammered by major Thunderstorms with massive hail (over 3.5” hail stones!) and with power going out during these storms and a 2 month old baby, figured she could use a bit of her own bottled lightning. :wink:

Excellent light! But one major concern here: Is the XHP 70 sitting on DTP board?

In Soviet Russia many packages (even small) we waiting over 90-120 days, not one month. Month - it’s very-very fast for most of packages on Russian Post. “Thanks” to Russian Post and our Customs. 9 days - it will be a miracle!

So how does the BLF discount work again? I tried some time ago with a note on Paypal “BLF discount please”, and never got a response. It was only for a 15 dollar light, so I didn’t worry about it. But a 10 dollar discount on this one would be nice.

Tried to order and just discovered no Paypal? Is that correct or am I doing something wrong?

Personally, I just trust to Simon. But just in any case there is a buyer protection from Ali.

Ah, thats right. You have to send him an email or something to get a paypal invoice sent to you. Forgot about that.

Maybe J-Dub can clarify the whole discount/paypal procedure once he gets home from work.

Just send Simon a message. Say I am Mr. XYZ from BLF, you then get the account and Simons Paypal address. Send Simon the money, report him your paypal transaction ID and you can wait for your new lamp…
The communication is within the aliexpress message system.

I’d like to know what I need to do for a BLF discount as well. As soon as that happens, I’ll be ordering a L6 today!

The L6 will not have a turbo stepdown? Neither time nor temperature controlled?

The head of the light is sufficiently large with ample cooling fins, Simon tested it to run til the cells were dead and while it was hot, tail standing on the table, it was working. Out and about, hand held, it won’t get that hot as it will have air movement and the heat sinking effect of the hand holding it.

This, for me, is much better than a timed step-down for sure. Thermal might be nice, but I like to be the one that decides that. It could be that I only need a few more moments of high output light and the heat is bearable for that need. At any rate, I am very tired of all the measures taken to tell me what I need so this light, leaving it up to the operator, is a breath of fresh air. :wink:

It should indeed be direct thermal path, won’t know 100% of course until I have one in hand. Working on that. :wink:

JDub has gone to a lot of trouble and effort to make sure this is a User’s light, ready to run and be put to work. From every bit of information I’ve garnered, it will be just that… a working man’s light ready to go right out of the box.

Thank you Steve, I’ll give that a try today

I ran the S70 several times till the cells were drained (18650 keeppowers)
each run about 1.5 hour and had it close by to turn turbo back on.
The run I used for the review I had it on turbo at least a full hour during the run and it did not even get hot.
This Convoy looks as if the cooling is better so it seems good not to have it step out of turbo this should be still be good to touch easy!

Ready for a neutral version!

To get the BLF discount.

The discount isn’t obtained by entering a code.

You add the product your cart, click the option to pay which establishes an order number but do not pay yet. At this point send a message to Simon asking for the BLF discount, wait for him to adjust the price.

Then you pay.

Ready to pull the trigger once I’ve seen a review :slight_smile:

Not interested in a 7K light :confounded:
I’ll wait and hope for a high CRI, 3K - 4K option.

Ordered, thanks Simon and J-Dub74 for making this possible.

I’m sure you plan to mod yours…but would you run it stock off of protected or unprotected 26650s? I know Simon’s site says protected but if there’s a gain in unprotected…

Great news!! Will place the order when NW arrives :slight_smile:

I’m also interested in protected vs unprotected.

Furthermore, does it make sense to pay the extra euro for HK shipping? Listed shipping times are the same.