Convoy L6... XHP70 Beast!

You sure it was on the highest output? And you where using good quality batteries?
The beam in the pictures looks like it was on medium…

Also, judging from the sky in his pics, it looks like it was twilight and not really night.

22:36 and nearly full moon.

Batteries are Vappower 5200mAh 20A discharge.

I would agree - photos look like medium mode was in use. My L6 has absolutely no problem illuminating 220m as can be seen in my review.

Steve, if you wouldn’t mind please edit your post with the beamshots and add “!” to the front of the photo links. I resized them in your quote above. I couldn’t view them before as they were oversized and ran way off the screen. :beer:

I hadn’t thought about the driver being sold separately to be honest. I suppose if enough demand is there I don’t see why not. It started fairly standard but after we tuned the mode spacing, lowered the low and tweaked the power it really did turn out pretty nice. :blush:
Edit: Not to mention the even higher power potential after the resistor mod that is being done by some of you crazy people. :smiley:

Yeah that’s why I would rather have the stock driver than a fet one. So far there hasn’t been any single driver-related issue, that tells me how reliable it is. Great mode spacing and being able to reach 6A with a resistor mod I don’t see a fet driver being superior for this light.

Please keep us informed about the host… Well basically the whole light minus the emitter and additional SMO reflector.

I would be interested for the driver too :blush:

I’d like to buy a spare driver and mode switch

Noted. Thanks for the feedback. :+1:

Simon will have extra L6 drivers available for purchase. :+1: If all stays on schedule the host. drivers and smooth reflectors will be available in about a week.
I’ll update the OP when I have a confirmed date and links.

Great !
Thanks jdub :wink:

Sorry i am late. :slight_smile:
Some impressions and Beamshots from me.

L6 5000K/6000K

Excellent beam shots! They really show the difference 1000k makes.

Thanks for the beam shots. Glad I got the 5000K version

No apologies necessary Bluzie!

Those are great beam shots, not to mention great pictures all around and a great review! Very nicely done. :+1:

If you don’t mind would you please post that GIF here that cycles between the 5000K and 6000K? That is really nice. :star:

120 meters to the trees.

These beamshots from Bluzie are worth many thousands of words!

Thank you, Bluzie!

