Convoy S2+ Desert Tan Available Now!

Here I thought you were putting wood chips into a rain barrel to make a filter for cleaning washing machine water or roof runoff. Have a freind who does that to re-use the water for other things. Washing cars or watering lawn.
Who knew?
Thanks for the explanation.

I’m working with SB to see if I can ban you from a single thread. Not a fan of pickles? I just don’t understand that statement. Must be a bogan thing. :stuck_out_tongue:

I figured you weren’t actually making bread and butter pickles though I admit part of me did hope. :sunglasses:

You’re not kidding! My new friend Dusty just sent me a recipe for his favorite homemade pickles! Talk about an off-topic win! :beer:

Of course we can. Orange is probably next on my list of possible colors. Clear was originally meant to hit the bigger lights first but then when I got Simon working on the black stainless switch for this tan version, the idea of a clear anodized S2+ with the back steel switch and black clip sounded too cool not to pursue.

Ok, so actually I think that may be the first time I mentioned that other than to Simon… That’s another one I’m working towards. :innocent:

I… have never had homemade pickles. :confused: Are they that much better / worth the effort?
Though, I’m not much of a foodie and I’m lazy about food so I don’t know why I bother asking. :laughing: I save my effort for BBQ!

Yes! Bread & butter pickles are easy to make, and can be done easy with a jar in the fridge:”:

I have 3 smokers and also make BBQ. (Ribs, Pulled pork, and Brisket)

Cooking is another one of my many “hobbies”!

Don’t know where this thread is goin now! :smiling_imp:

Yeah, knowing you run a lathe I figured you were talkin metal shavings in a drum but I couldn’t resist.


…man you got me when you replied about bread & butter!

Bread and butter, you know, like making money!

Actually, I only own a milling machine presently. When I get a lathe… you’ll know. :crown:

Oh gotcha :wink:

I just know your making custom heatsinks, I assumed those are made on a lathe, shows ya how much I (don’t) know about machine shop equipment.

That’s nice. I know it’s been a while, but do you remember where you got your silver 501B? And was it a complete light or a host?

Commercial Pickles contain a lot of aluminum , which builds up in the brain, and is believed to contribute to altzimers / dementia.
Most vaccines in USA (not flu ) contain aluminum.
Many flashlights are made of aluminum.

Yeah this one amazed me. I bought it from Fasttech. Complete light and still available for $10.85. I would assume it’s still the same quality as the one I purchased but you never know. It was one of the first lights offered on Fasttech with an XM-L2 emitter. The threads are triangular but pretty decent. That’s the worst thing I can say about it. It’s a complete light at a host price. I actually may pick up another for modding.

Here’s the link:

Thanks captain buzzkill… :confounded:
Edit: I always wear gloves while holding my flashlights. Especially those with scary sharp knurling like that 501B. :open_mouth: :person_facepalming: :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:
Re-Edit: I actually hadn’t heard that about commercial pickles and I appreciate your comment. I’m curious to know which brands do what. I prefer homemade for sure but I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t just purchased a gallon jar of pickles at the grocery store this morning. :confused: I’m now going to research the brand I purchased… I also have pretty strong feelings about vaccinating but it’s such a controversial topic I probably shouldn’t get into my stance on that. :innocent:

Thanks, I was looking at that one and the host at DX, been jonesing for a bare (silver anno) light for too long and was getting ready to order a silver 504B (L2) host then saw your photo of the 501B I figured I’d grab one of those too just for grins.

The bare 501B host is only $7.44 at DX Soul (USA warehouse) but I REALLY love aggressive knurling and want to make sure I get the “Scary Sharp Knurling” as yours is, so I’ll get the FT one, about $3.50 extra for a low powered XML2 drop-in I’ll maybe use for something down the road. In your photo it was the knurling on the 501B that got my attention. I wonder if the 501B tube will lego with the 504B head and tail.

I can post in this thread again! I guess it was just a 72hr ban?

I don’t think the pickle dislike is a bogan thing, at least I hope not. Otherwise I will have to grow a mullet, get a VK commodore and you’ll have to call mazza :confounded:

I have what I think is a clear anodized WF-008, the finish is quite nice. IMO this finish will look really good on the M and L series lights.

Ha! I figured it would take more than that to shut you up. :wink: That’s quite an interesting looking light. I hadn’t seen that one before and yeah that looks like clear ano to me. How does it perform? Is that the Coast/Lenzer type optical setup?

That’s what we would call a “recoil” thrower. Very efficient throw characteristics but can’t handle high power to the emitter.

Just from that picture though, it looks more like a silvery paint or enamel than anodization.

Strolling in my pastime… I think there is only one manufacturing company in all of China and it is Li Keqiang Ltd. and run by Xi Jinping and his board of directors.

Pretty sure that is how it works.

I think Simon is just a screen mane. Why? Well, I have written to Simon many times and sometimes Simon answers with knowledgeable, detailed information and other times he answers like he hasn't got a clue. That, in itself, tells me Simon is either multiple personalities, or simply a screen name.

Just my thoughts

Oh, I hate those tan colors. Would never buy one, but I would like a medium to dark gray color, or gunmetal blue.

How sad; once a respected member of the forum:
