Convoy S2+ - thread is different now

This really is a good thing, and there was no reason to apologize for it. I apologize for any leaping to conclusions in negativity without understanding.

I just found this thread after I made a couple purchases. Yesterday, I ordered a Convoy S2+ 2700K 2.8A from the Convoy Flashlight Store on AliExpress. I searched the Convoy store and could not find an S2+ 18350 tube, but found an 18350 tube in matching grey ano from the Elfeland Outdoor Lighting Store on AliExpress, and ordered it also. After reading this thread, I checked the pictures, and I can see from the picture in the 18350 tube sale that the threads are not rectangular, and from the S2+ pictures that the threads are rectangular. I have requested a cancellation for the 18350 tube. It’s only a few bucks, so if the cancellation is denied, I won’t cry about it.

But I cannot find any S2+ 18350 tubes with rectangular threads on AliExpress… or really anywhere. Are there S2+ 18350 tubes yet available with the rectangular threads? Thanks.

yes ,18350 tube (black and gray) with rectangular thread will be available soon

Just to add for the records, S21A and S21B family, head only have different threads.

Moving to square threads and standardizing all of them is a good thing. It’ll be a painful transition, but the end result is better for everyone. Now about those proprietary drivers :slight_smile:

It was fine as it was with the old metric/unified thread type, this is a fix to a problem which shouldn't exist in the first place. Now, anyone still using older models of the affected flashlights will have a harder time to get a short tube, and eventually be @#$%. This may sound overdramatic, but you get the idea.

I also have a triple copper pill from kiriba-ru and I don’t know if I will be able to use it. The only option will be to look for a used flashlight with an old thread.

Convoy flashlights are an incredible bargain even at twice the price. I don’t understand how anyone can complain about anything about a flashlight at Convoy’s price point. You all probably wanted to get more Convoy anyway, so retire any thoughts of upgrading your old threaded Convoys, and buy more Convoy with the better threads.

Thank you Simon. I am patient, and I’ll keep watching

Yes, you are right.

I’ll buy anyway, regardless of threads

From the perspective of someone else besides the seller and related gang, the change of thread type can still be considered a consumerist, pointless disservice.

I am addicted, you are free to fuck me over is a common trait behind addictions. And it's bad.

Now, all settled from my side.

the Sofirn SP40 18350 tube will fit the new thread, if that`s of any help to anyone? (you may have to remove the rubber rings on some).

I received a black S2+ from a recent Banggood flash sale and when I couldn’t swap the pill with an older grey S2+ I recalled this thread. Also can’t use the (old) 18350 tube with it.

I actually have a spare one of these and tried it, in my experience the threads were too different to be compatible.

I guess Simon must have felt the price for changing the thread was worth it.

Anyone already got a new “square-thread” S2+ 18350 tube and where it was bought? (Are the ones from Simon’s Convoy AliExpress store already the newer square-thread 18350 tube?)

The convoy store has a listing where you can choose which thread style you want to buy:

Any one know which thread this S2 has ? Would these 18350 tubes fit?

Is there any way to tell which threads a product has, from their own store on Aliexpress?

Particularly this one:
Purple S2+ For Wifey

And this one:
And Grey for me

I just ordered them then messaged him with what I needed.

S2+ gray rectangular thread
S2+ violet trapezoid thread

So all the 18350 tubes are the old thread except for the black/gray which has both options. But which color hosts have the old threads? That information should really be on the page so we can order parts that match without having to ask here.

Would the silver S2+ osram have square threads?\_esJfNi&aff_platform=msite&m_page_id=amloftviyecawtn2178331de83b13cbe8f8b23bdf9&gclid=&*imgsrc*\_.webp



Thanks very much!