I built a few UF 602B 16340 lights to compliment my Convoy S5
here is the family
Daddy and kiddo lights
I bought the standard UltraFire 602B host from FT, XP-G R5-1A 345LM 6700K, Nanjg 101-AK-A1 driver, and two different TIR, a 10 degree 5pack and a 15 degree and some XP-G to XM-L converter reflector adapters
Body components
The 10 degree ones drop right in after removing the outer plastic, the 15 degree I had to file off the lip a bit for it to drop in
Flashed the Nanjg 101-AK-A1 with STAR V1.1 custom build, after JohnnyC showed me how to tweak the coding I compiled a custom static build, it has a 1 minute turbo timeout, high/med/low, it goes from HI>LO + memory off so every time I click it on it comes on wide open.
I like the 10 degree pattern better, the 15 seems to have a funny bulls-eye look to it, concentric rings of diminishing light
Here are the pics
Front view…still have the OP in the Convoy S5
15 degree TIR (it has a little pillar inside the optic)
10 degree TIR (has a little pit the emitter fits down into)
Emitter reflowed on copper sinkpad (at 1 minute these XP-G’s at 1400mA get hot, this is why I like the automatic fallback at 1minute from wide open to approx 50% PWM!)
Driver (you can see the solder blobs where the body screws into the body presses against the pill to close the circuit)
I don’t have any beam shots, but these little lights sure do throw alot of light for their size, but they get pretty hot pretty fast (there really isn’t very much meat in the pill)