I bought the components to build a Convoy S6: host, 16mm Noctigon MCPCB, and 17mm QLite Driver. I’m having trouble getting the pill assembly to go together with the driver. There is a small ring that looks like it supposed to hold the driver in the pill. But the driver is too tall to sink in the pill deep enough for the threads of the ring to catch. Not sure if I’m missing something? I attached some (lousy cellphone) pics, hopefully it gives you an idea of what’s giving me issues. Note the pics are a bit exaggerated, as I can push the driver and ring down a bit. But it’s still maybe 1—2mm too tall.
You don’t need the retaining ring because of the 7135 chips the ring will not go on, but the pressure from the battery pushes the driver against the pill, well that’s how I do it anyway, you could also solder it to the pill
Yeah, I’ve got it working with the driver just “floating” in there, though that feels a little ghetto to me. This guy managed to somehow get his soldered pill assembly into the head.
I also saw on the reviews of the Convoy S6 Host on Mountain Electronics (where I ordered all my parts) that someone put notches in the pill. I have a Dremel, I could probably do that…
What I think would be ideal is a retaining ring that’s actually bigger, and threads into the head. In other words, like the pill itself, just much shorter. Seems like that would be the best of all worlds.
Another question: would this Nanjg 101-AK-A1 7135*4 1.4A LED DRIVER allow me to use the retaining ring? Obviously I’d give up half the current (and therefore output), but I don’t need crazy brightness.