【convoy】XHP70.3 HI R9050 6500K available

94mm is bigger than the reflector on the L8! What will you put that in? Maybe Sbt90.2 behind it? Or maybe xhp70.3?

Simon what is the emitter on the GT labeled star? (and the renderings of the new lights look awesome)

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I haven’t figured it out yet, I just thought it would be fun, so I purchased a sample from the manufacturer.

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That one is a green light ,max input 24A current

They look quite chunky, what cells will those use? :smiley:

I liked LT1S. Any plans to do something similar?

I would love to have that huge TIR with SBT90.2!

3 Thanks

I like the idea a latern with a single battery like the LT1S and a buck driver, not sure if Simon could use 519A leds but would be nice.

It looks very interesting, maybe alternative version of 3x21D? It would be awesome with an SBT90 or SFT40 behind it.

Another option could be a long light like the L7, but with side-switch only UI.

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Yeah, I was picturing something like the L7 (nice regulation and big batteries) with a large TIR…could be very good.

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I hope so too.


Regarding the large TIR side switch lights, I’d gladly tolerate a delay if it meant getting anduril 2 with flashing pads, efficient driver and high cri options like xhp70.3.

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This looks awesome! But please update the UI of the e-switch driver then it would be the perfect thrower for me.

There is already one: S21F with a lantern shade

You mean with a diffuser? I have S2+s with tir and C8s with reflector, I have also the diffusers for them but I think it’s not the same, the C8s with diffuser at 3amps are bright but battery runtimes won’t be long.

New R, B, and G 5050s on 20mm stars in the store I see

What driver for that 2V-2.8V 8A red?

Will this be with Anduril 2 UI? If not, can you add a candle mode? This is an awesome feature for a camping light.

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These look similar to your M21G and M21D, except using a TIR.

I can’t wait to see the beam profile with various LEDs.

Simon, the 94mm TIR would make a nice 3x21D type light… or even better, a very impressive 4x21 light. A modern day Boss1.

I am not aware of another manufacturer that makes a 4x21 flashlight.

I would buy one just to use as a 21700 charger.

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