【convoy】XHP70.3 HI R9050 6500K available

There are two, the Thrunite TN42v2 with SBT90.2 and a large reflector (3x21D outshines it), and the Lumintop GT3 Pro sodacan (3x XHP70.2).

The GT94X might also count, but it is a much larger form factor.

1 Thank

As a charger? 4 cells will be connected in parallel. If you wanna charge 4 cells at the same time you have to make sure they are at the exact same voltage otherwise … kaboom!

Also with such a huge battery capacity I would want a power bank function out of it too.

After downloading the PDF explaining the XHP 70.3 with pictures I realized I had made a big mistake. Now I know what to look for. All of my other XHP70s have domes so I was very confused.

Which Aliexpress store did you buy it from?
Did you order it from “Convoy flashlight Store”?

1 Thank

yes this is Simon’s store.

Yes, I ordered from the Convoy flashlight Store. I’m guessing the ‘Message Seller’ feature only works from a computer and not a cell phone.

1 Thank

Question for @Simon_MAO:

Are there any plans for the SFT40 to be in a flashlight with the form factor of the L6 or L7?

Thank you.

1 Thank

If you use the Android App it works great however if you use a mobile web browser you are correct, it doesn’t work.

Be sure to include your Order# when you message them.
Simon will make it right.

2 Thanks

Hi, does anybody know if S2+ 18350 tube is suitable to H1 headlamp?

Or a 46110 light.

I have both, I can check in a few hours but I don’t think so.

1 Thank

I agree. The S2+ tailcap fits on an H2 but the head threads are different. I’m guessing it might be the same for H1.

2 Thanks

I’ve never used the AE app and have successfully messaged back & forth with Simon there several times…

I do find it works way better when I have my browser set to Desktop Mode, though.

1 Thank

Which Web Browser do you use?

1 Thank

Just the Chrome on my Android…

Hail to the “G” Overlords.

1 Thank

I’m using Chrome on my Samsung S20FE and i was unable to message Simon.

1 Thank

Thanks for the replies.

I was hoping for everything had migrated to the same threads, when they became square.

@YBF650 I appreciate you trying it for me.

1 Thank

I was pretty sure before but I am certain now, it does not fit. The tailcaps are similar enough, but the H1 head threads are larger diameter and much finer pitch than the S2+ head threads. Sadly it won’t work.

2 Thanks

Well, what a pity they don’t match.

Researching a bit, I’ve found short tube for H1 was planned.

@Simon_Mao, is it on development at the moment?

What were those sale prices I saw earlier? Did I miss a convoy flashlight store sale?