GearBest has a flash sale on the grey Courui D01. The discount is exaggerated but I couldn’t pass it by for $24.99. Would have purchased two if I had the excess funds available. The listing is here
Great price - I scooped a couple more myself.
The last grey one I received had an almost purple tint to the finish - much lighter than previous grey one’s. Looks pretty cool.
Battery tube threads actually felt nice. Reflector seems slightly different, & coating is not as smooth as the earlier one’s.
The tail PCB is also different, so not quite as easy to hook up a switch like the previous layout.
i’m glad i bought another one ,now out off stock both versions
btw anyone planning to mod this with XHP35 HI ?
Wish I had funds for another gray before they all sold. Oh well, more funds for my contest entry.
from gearbest:
This item is out of stock,
we are very sorry to inform you that this item cannot be sold anymore on our website due to supplier’s issues.
Too much works required to convert it into 3 cells in series. :person_facepalming:
18350 is a solution or this
already did
driver Indigo 5
DealsMachine seems to have the black as of right now.
thanks for the link
I have one Courui D01 with damaged reflector and it is sitting disassembled quite some time, maybe more than a year, who knows… I had some crazy ideas but after some time spent thinking about those i figured out that it would not be possible to do those things with reasonable cost, so do you guys have some suggestions what to do with the flashlight? I might just give up at the end but would love to see some suggestions, note that the stock reflector is not usable.
One of the crazy ideas was to do a short D01, with 4-5 S2+ reflectors and custom made spacer for the leds and driver socket, it is doable for someone who has lathe on their disposal but for me it would be to pricey, although it is not that hard if i nail the design of the pill and driver socket on first try, which to be honest will not be possible.
It would look like this
Dude, fasttech has some cheap large reflectors for sale, even those mega size zooming convex lens is available for this light but will probably need some serious diamond file sanding to fit perfectly to make this mega jaxman. i scoop up some large reflectors along with those xpl hi during a sale . Always good to have some new leds around for upgrading of lights. yea , i have a xplhi v4 waiting to go into this super thrower with just a simple emitter swop.
Ok im late to the party here, i just got 2 units of this.The quality is close to typical ultrafire budget light but the specification of 3 cell compact body and 68mm large reflector makes it hard to beat as a perfect easy host for modding.
One of which i changed to xpl hi which makes it an incredible compact long thrower with long runtime. The beam gets super narrow but it has tri petal aura around it and is not as nice as a perfect circle. nonetheless the ultra tight beam profile still looks good and better than the stock and throws like crazy.
The other i plan to pop in xhp35 hi with kd 1amp single cell driver which makes it easier to mod it than a conversion to series.this will require more work to machine a holder for the smaller driver pcb to fit the host :+1:
if you can get this : Courui D01 contact board V3 will make your life easier
For anyone interested in a better driver for these, I made a Texas Avenger for the D01, it has not been test fitted yet but should work with minor sanding at worst.
You can see all the details here: Texas Avenger "TA" Driver series - Triple channel + Bistro or Narsil + Clicky or E-switch - The Ultimate open source driver!
If there is enough interest (at least 7-8 drivers worth) I can make up a batch of them to sell. Price would be about $17.50 - $20 each depending on quantity.
Or naturally with an open source project like this, you are welcome to do it yourself, please do post your results in the TA thread if you do!
Any source to buy D01 ?
I ordered one of these about a week ago :,searchweb201602_2_422,searchweb201603_1&btsid=50dac44a-26bc-444b-b115-fdd504388fdc
It shipped the next day, guess I will see when it shows up.
I found this too , i was hoping for a better price.
I got mine from a online re seller but the QC was poor and inconsistent, a lottery buy . Aliexpress would be a better source.