CRX Stuff for Sale

Hand Made Glow Gaskets for Triples - £8 + Shipping.

Glow Cubes - £15-£30 + Shipping, depending on size & colour. 25mm - 40mm.


I will take the mtg2 carbon fiber, PM coming

Darn, no pucks… Oh well, at least you get a free bump.

Those are great custom lights and knives for great prices!

I’ll take Thrunite Ti4. :slight_smile:

Does the Tool come with the pocket clip?

PM sent for the Lumintop Tool Ti.

Olight TC-10 Titanium

Does it have a lighted tail button? If yes, I will take it. It is pretty

No it’s just GITD

Oh I’ll pass. Thanks man.

I’ll take the tool if available please.

PM sent re the Kershaw Rake

PM sent about Jetbeam element! :slight_smile:

If you could make it work, and it is still available by any chance, I will for sure take it.

I’ll take the Olight as it is.

If still available I would be happy to be the new owner of this beauty little fairy brass red :slight_smile:

Very nice lights. Congrats to all buyers :+1:

Hi CRX, I would like to buy the Kershaw speed bump, please send PP details and money will appear!

PS how much for the Stratis Lumin??? :money_mouth_face:

As always, you have some very nice items there. Good luck with the sales! For now, I’m going to keep holding out ’till you eventually give me one :+1: :wink:

You got it! :+1:

I will let it go for cost :smiley: £1200