Custom stepdown buck driver for Skilhunt headlamps

I mean more then V.816 ; 817> 816 ;))

Oh, you mean the hex file that was produced by my modified configs? That was in the .zip file which was linked in my post (located at anduril/hex/anduril.quad-skilbuck.hex).

I can just directly attach it, but remember — like I already said — I have no idea what I’m doing. This might make your flashlight explode for all I know:
anduril.quad-skilbuck.hex (27.0 KB) Edit: Refer to the below post for an updated hex file.

I had changed that section to mcu_clock_speed(); which was copied from another config that used to contain _PROTECTED_WRITE( CLKCTRL.MCLKCTRLB, CLKCTRL_PDIV_2X_gc | CLKCTRL_PEN_bm );. This is essentially all I have done: look at changes to other configs and copy them over. Probably in some cases it may not be apropriate.

OK. But remove #define OPAMP_DELAY 80 its not for this hardware . Because it make preflash even more noticeable ;))

1 Thank

Yeah, I had guessed it was related to that; I will remove it.

And drop fixed hex here again , ill move it to OP, thanks

Here’s a new .zip file with the noflash/OPAMP_DELAY stuff removed from the configs.

Here’s a new .hex file with those changes:
anduril.quad-skilbuck.hex (27.0 KB)

This .hex file was produced by using the above configuration files along with the most current version of Anduril 2 (cbfc1a1), as of the time of this post.

If you want to add this to your OP, please test it and/or look carefully at my changes, since, like I keep saying, I don’t really know what I’m doing. :sweat_smile:

I posted this stuff here in case it was of any use, but I wasn’t really imagining it would be “officially” added to your first post.

Looks like LVP do not work and Aux led settings. :grin: Thanks for trying .

It will be several days before I can mess with this further, but what issues do you have with aux settings? They seem to be working for me.

Are these compatible with the Skilhunt H150?


I assume that the reason for this was that in this commit voltage was changed to “an 8-bit value. ... Volts * 40.”

The config file is defining custom values for VOLTAGE_RED and VOLTAGE_LOW. Either multiplying them by four, or just using the default values will probably fix the LVP.

The default voltages for RED and LOW are 3.3 and 2.9, while the ones defined in the config are 2.7 and 2.6. Was the reason for this to… get a bit more use out of a battery? Or, is there another reason that the driver needs those values?

Yep, why not. All modern batts can go down to 2.5V. RED turns on Aux led, LOW starts stepdowns and turns off light.

1 Thank

If you get a second batch, I’d like one as well. 3, actually.

1 Thank

Alright. Ordered some more. This time painted white. Expect it in 2-3 weeks.

1 Thank

Lovely :heart_eyes:

Put me on the list :memo:

1 Thank

I am interested!

1 Thank

ZigZag UI updated to V1.3. Now possible to choose default moonlight start level from 4 available.


2 Thanks

Definitely interested. Thanks for building this driver!

Oh, red! What LED did you use?

Recently I changed LH351D to SST20 DR in H04 RC original driver) and it didn’t work well. The moon was low, the rest too bright. I guess something didn’t work together (converter? LED?). I had the LED from HD15R and it looked a little different. Today I will order couple different LEDs from Kaido for a test.