Custom stepdown buck driver for Skilhunt headlamps

OP updated:

  • added .hex and A2 source code file.
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Interested! About time I show some love to the first light I ever got :slight_smile:

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Too late, all gone… for now.

The suspense!! I’ll pay more attention so I’m not late next time :grin:


I’m using this flashing key to flash to flash the driver with: avrdude -p t1616 -c serialupdi -P com3 -U flash:w:ZigZag_V1.1.hex, but it just fails, with the message: avrdude error: UPDI link initialization failed // avrdude error: initialization failed, rc=-1.

This same hardware/command works fine when updating another t1616 driver, such as a Wurkkos TS10.

Any idea what the issue is?

Nevermind — I tried it like 20 times and it eventually worked for some reason.

OK, problem can be pad holes full of paint… so try place pins on pads only

I think you might be right, because it seems to be easier to get it to work now (i.e. maybe I did scratch off some coating).

I was able to compile (with some warnings) the most current version of Anduril 2 by minimally editing/moving around your config files — basically just moving them into the correct folders and editing some paths.

From comparing: your file, similar configs in old versions of Anduril, and those same configs in current Anduril, I think one can see some of the other configuration changes that could be made to more fully comply with the refactoring of Anduril configs.
Edit: Refer to the below post for further updated configuration files.

Edit: some photos

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I am interested too for 2 drivers, if you will do a next run ! Thanks

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All problem is here V.817 is to complicated to do anything. I’ll stick to V816 forever. And that’s one of reasons why I coded ZigZag, because of ability to control everything :wink: In ZigZag code i can add-remove -change modes as i wish. Try to add 4 moonlighs in Anduril :stuck_out_tongue:

Also interested in this!

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At last. Anduril bike light. The bold way :wink:

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O.K. But wait … it fits in to S21E too! :smiley: Not to small?

Right, some file was applied, but just slight. It almost fits. Just a few minutes with the file and it sits there.

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Ah , its to big, so you made 20mm.

Actually 20,5mm, maybe 20,4? fits there. And the pcb is soft so really not much work to be done.

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Quick caveat: filing FR4 is not great for your lungs. I’d recommend doing it in a ventilated area (or at least not in the bed/living room) and wearing an FFP2. Thanks to the 'Rona those are plentiful now anyway.

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Carla? Is that you?

I’d always just assumed it was “normal” bad for your lungs, like silica or any other fine particulates, is there something I’m not aware of?

As far as I know, unlike carbon fiber, it’s not directly carcinogen, but the fibers appear to still be a severe health risk.

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I would also be interested in a one of possible 2nd batch.

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