I have been wanting one of these type of smart chargers for a long time. They had the Lacrosse BC-900 for $29.99 but when I went to order they were gone. I also had a look at the Shan & IQ328. So, I ordered this MN-C9000 charger this morning. It’s already ready for shipping, got a tracking # I’ll be using it for my new eneloops & duraloops. Let me know what you think!
I have had that one for years, charging my 40+ Eneloops and Imedions for flash units in my photography. Read the manual, don’t do like Alfred and load the middle…always load from the left and put highest capacity cells first if you mix em up. Easier on the charger and more accurate on the charge rates if you follow the instructions.
I also have the MH C808M that charges D size on down, honkin big charger going 8 up on D cells but together I can charge 16 AA’s at a time. Remember to use the recycle option once in a while and where possible the soft charge to keep your cells cool and make em last longer. Put a cell in the left slot, punch the soft charge button. Then load the rest. As long as there are cells in the charger it will stay on soft charge mode. Takes longer, but it’s better for the cells. If you hit recycle AND soft charge, it’ll take forever!
The bigger 808 has a faster charge rate as well as a lighted screen.
Just wanted aftrburnr to go about it right from the get go. I usually pull em as they’re done as well, I keep them in groups so the same batteries work together in the same flash. Not exactly sure WHY I do that, but it’s the way I’ve done it for the last 6 years or so. Cells are marked for the flash unit, dated, and stored in boxes of 4 ready to go.
$44.95 here for those in the USA, its been that price for over a year there. Not sure about shipping but they have them in a few stores around the country too.
They don’t ship it to the EU?? No eu countries appear on the shipping list, not even Netherlands. Very strange not shipping locally, maybe it’s because it’s not CE approved? Or is it an error on my browser?
Did someone try it yet?
OK, i found he problem, you linked ru.nkon.nl. they have also EU.nkon.nl, but the prices are a bit higher
I might have to get one… my nitecore intellicharge i4 v2 just charged 4 of my NiMHs to 1.36v…
At least I only have 1 AA light left which I hardly ever use, that softens the blow.
The guy I called at Thomas Distributing said it has a 3 year warranty on it.
@alfreddajero You’re part of the reason I bought this charger! See what you did!
@DBCstm Thanks for your tips! I’ll be studying the manual. Have already done some reading on it.
ezarc: I should have asked you first! You’re the deal finder fo sho!! Well, it turns out they have a store in Phoenix, AZ. It’s on the other side of town from me & about 30 miles away. BUT, good to know I can go get one there if I ever needed. The other things would be local tax I think about 9% or so & 2-3 gallons of gas @ $3.43 a gallon back & forth. Then again, I wouldn’t have to wait till next week for it.
@kreisler I’d love to see a VP1 4 bay with possibly a few more features like the MH-C9000 has. I’m also looking at the SkyRC if the price comes down a bit. Maybe a VP1 4 bay with all the features of the SkyRC? w00t!
@brad I was able to add it to my cart just fine using Firefox 22.0
fabulous, versatile charger. One thing to point out is that Maha Energy’s customer service is very good- I had one from Amazon that wasn’t performing right, and Eric from Maha swapped it for me for a new one no questions asked, he even paid the shipping.
I have 3 i4s in addition to my 2 C9000s……they are also great chargers……using them more every day. Only issue is they don’t fit 26650 without using a coin as spacer- so I picked up 2 Trustfire TR-006, so far they’re working fine.