After a lot of friends, family and people in general had showed a lot of interest in my DIY torch PROTOTYPE that I built throughout the year, I figured I might as well make a thread about it. Maybe I’ll inspire some of you guys to come up with something creative or unique! It’s basically a homemade torch that uses a 10mm 1W LED and runs off 3x AAA batteries housed inside a wooden body.
Some details & technical specs of the torch
|LED Type|10mm 1W White LED driven 3.2V@150mA (Approx. 50 lumens output)|
|Switch|Simple Slide Switch|
|Battery|3x AAA (Used: Sanyo Eneloop Lite AAA 600mAh)|
|Lens|40 degree Acrylic Diffuser|
|Modes| 1-mode ON-OFF|
Electronics Part
The whole torch was basically a simple circuit that consisted of a battery power source, a resistor, a LED, slide switch and connecting wires.
Here is a simple circuit diagram:
Here is a picture of all the electronics components used for the torch.
This is a picture of the AAA battery holder fitted with three Sanyo Eneloop Lite AAA batteries.
After some soldering, assembling I’d finally complete making the torch prototype and it is now functional.
Now for the last bit I had stained the exterior of the body with Cedar stain and then finished it with a coat of Tung Oil. Now the prototype is finished!
Another pic
<img src=“” width=“864px” height “576px”
Battery Life & Continuous Use
On my Sanyo Eneloop AAA Lite 600mAh batteries the flashlight can run for over 4 hours of continuous use and suffers no heat problems. The LED does not get to a temperature that is very hot to touch either, though it may become warm but that’s about it. I guess if you used larger capacity AAA batteries, like 800mAh or 900mAh you could probably squeeze out an extra hour. Though my next torch build I’ll be utilising 18650 batteries as they have WAY larger capacity and only require one cell to achieve the required operating voltage of the LED.
I know that it’s not really a torch because there is no reflector and the LED sticks out. But this was basically a prototype to try and fit everything together and make it look neat, etc and also get the experience in building and assembling it so when time comes to build the final thing, there would be less chance of doing something wrong.
It took me about half a year to think of ideas of a total DIY torch to build, how to do it and all the components and timber required as well as the manufacturing process. In this time I looked all over the Internet for alternatives and for components that I could use for my build and then ordered some of the parts online. In less than a month I started to build and assemble the prototype torch and it was finished just less than a month.
For my next build, I am planning to use a similar body, but using a Cree XR-E Q5 Emitter along with tailcap switch, 18650 battery, battery terminals & springs, 26.5mm or 18.5mm reflector + glass lens and a 18650 18mm driver board with 3 or 5 modes. I’ll keep you guys updated when I start on the next build. I’ve already ordered the parts and should come in the next few weeks! Most biggest challenge will probably be heatsinking the LED but I heard the reflector acts as a good heatsink already, but it wouldn’t be enough to dissipate 3W of heat from driving it at 1A (High mode).
Hope you guys enjoyed this thread, and feel free to leave any suggestions, ideas and comments!