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Interesting concept. A lot of the crowd here are also interested in high cri. Is that something you can do?
Welcome to BLF, Natfire!
Nice, I hope that this 4000K is a neutral tint around the Black Body Line. There was one 4000K LEP flashlight 3 years ago, the Acebeam W10 (not many were sold), and that one was very ugly yellow. I will not buy this one if the tint is overly yellow.
Yes, I would be interested in a LEP with CCT around 4000K. Would be great if the color (tint) was close to the blackbody line (i.e. warm white as opposed to a yellow like a canary!) Would be fantastic if the light was high CRI!
Really would be all about the throw/size ratio for me. Warm tint is great, but not so much a yellow tint. LEPs role is primarily ranged throw, with that being said, I dunno how much high CRI would be of use at or above 1000 meters. Although warmer temps penetrate fog and smoke much better than copl temps. What price range we talking? Under $100 would make it significantly more appealing and lots would buy it for that price as an entry level LEP.
Just to be clear, my personal interest is based on an assumption that the price for this 4000K LEP would be not far from the current price of their existing LEP which I just purchased today for a little less than $80 USD
I think the majority of the LEP crowd are mostly attracted to max range, and that’s only possible with higher CCT. I’d rather see adjustments to the existing SF2. The UI needs improvement and I’d like a removable 21700. Having a built in battery isn’t very good.
The SF2 is crazy good for $75 with a coupon.
High: 1,425m
Med: 1,052m
Low: 794m
Build quality is also decent
I'm down with this! We need an LEP with Anduril 2!
I hope that’s a joke. What use is an LEP with Anduril? Only needs Low, Med, High and High only.
Acebeam originally had the W30 with 3 models. Cool white, 4000k yellow, or CRI (unspecified k). Weltool had the W3 pro in white or yellow. The Weltool W4 was available in cool white initially then they added an optional yellow filter. Then they offered a yellow version without the filter. I have the W30 4000k yellow and I suspect it is better with mist, fog ,smoke or dust and various other backscatter scenarios, but I do not have a cool white to compare it to. I am reluctant to try any other cool white lep because I don’t think I’m going to like them. I can understand why some people think the yellow looks ugly in pictures on close walls or objects. The reality is that most people are not buying a LEP to look at close objects. I do wonder if there is a real world difference when there is little/no moisture or dust in the air. This Natfire appears to have slightly more divergence than some others which I suppose for some applications may be better but then the throw numbers come down. Yes I would like a 4000k yellow Natfire.
Measuring a LEP or any flashlight with a meter at 10 to 20 ft does not take into consideration real world atmospheric conditions or other surroundings. These measurements are useful but they don’t tell the whole story.
Yes, but since I’m reviewing it for them, it’s good to have for comparing to other models.
4000K will easily outperform cooler tints in haze, fog, high humidity, is there really a high demand for an LEP like this.
I’d be more for an LEP at 4000K that has a 25.4mm body to mount on a gun. Hunters would be very keen for that at this price point
I would buy one if it is below 100$. 4000K sounds very good if it is not too yellow.
I like the yellow color idea. I would like red or green colored LEP as well!
Thank you for listening!
As long as “advanced payment” comes with a discount
I think the idea is that they are uncertain if making a 4000K LEP flashlight is worth making at all, this thread is for them to gain some confidence that is worth it. That confidence comes with people showing interest, and with people showing so much interest that they may pay in advance if it looks good. A discount is always nice, but if the outcome of this thread is just that the light is made at all, that will be the primary benefit for us.
Dear BLF,
Thank you all for the support, all comments/suggestions will be recorded and combined with market demand. Hope everyone can Suggestions, so that we can provide better service for you in the future.
Aaron Chan from NATFIRE
➤Vote: Does anyone want the Yellow color LEP Laser Flashlight? (Click to vote) about 4000K Color temp
➤Link: NATFIRE SF2 LEP White Laser Flashlight, Coupon for $5 discount: NATFIRESF205
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Thanks for asking But it is unclear to me whether ‘yellow’ = ‘white light with a neutral (4000K colour temp)’ or ‘yellow’ = ‘yellow light with a wavelength around 570-590nm’.
If it’s 4000K then i might be interested but it would depend on other things such as size, modes, battery options, and price.
If it’s 570-590nm then i’m not interested.
“Yellow” is often used in chinese websites to refer to neutral and warmer white tints. I think (hope) that this is the case here too.
I think you’re right, especially as they specify 4000K, but i would prefer to be certain.