The runtimes and amps in the description don’t add up.
He says 50ma>500ma>2A>3A and runtime 350hr>19hr>5hr (then 60 second turbo) from 3400mAH cell
doing some simple math the runtimes should be closer to 68hr>6.8hr>1.7hr assuming a perfectly efficient driver.
First reaction is, I want it, but I’ll wait for some reviews to come in given that the previous generation was unusable and the price isn’t exactly throw-away money. Side clicky without lockout could be a problem, and the optic and XML-2 is going to be floody. I really wish they would make a version of the “brass beauty” (tail clicky, XP-G2) in aluminum.
I have a first generation DQG 18650 twisty. It was awful. The light constantly flipped modes when twisting. Usually multiple tries and 2-hands were required to get the desired mode. Even worse, the battery compartment tapered and was too small at the bottom for all but the narrowest of 18650s. Anything wider would go in, but get stuck and never come out.
From what I read, the generation DQG 18650 twisty fixed the battery not fitting issue, but the problem with mode changes when twisting remained.
This new clicky DQG looks like it has the switch from the DQG 26650…. a much better light.
However, from the pictures I can still see some potential issues:
Protruding side electronic clicky may turn-on accidentally in the pocket unless it is VERY stiff. This may make it unusable for EDC pocket use unless tailcap lockout is used.
Unknown if threads are anodized right to the end so we don’t know if it has the ability to have tailcap lockout.
The DQG 26650 had a crappy UI and this doesn’t look like an improvement.
Heat will be an issue. The DQG series definitely aren’t up to Zebralight quality when it comes to heat dissipation.
In order to get such a short light, many of the DQG series lights use an integrated driver/star. Instead of a separate star, the LED is mounted directly to the driver board. This makes reflowing to change the emitter MUCH harder. This light probably isn’t mod friendly.
On the upside:
Super-small 18650 light. And not a twisty so the issues with mode flipping with the previous DQG 18650s should not be present.
Nice looking styling
Nice knurling. Unlike the Zebralight SC62w this light actually has knurling.
I hope this is good. I have two of the original twisty ones and frankly they were one of the biggest flashlight let downs I’ve had.
My prime concern here is, if it turns on in your pocket - it’s NOT an EDC!!!
A crappy UI certainly wouldn’t help any either. The UI description doesn’t sound bad however, but would like to see it in action. As it doesn’t say how you change modes with the light on, or how you turn it off.
I dunno, the twisty version actually throws pretty good. You might not think it would, even when white wall hunting, but outside I’d say it throws better than my Convoy S2+
However, I think it unlikely that this will be possible. The previous DQG 18650 models were so short because they were built with just one circuit board that contained both the driver circuitry and the LED. There was no separate star. Zebralight has used the same design strategy starting with the SC52.
Given how short the new model DQG 18650 is I think they probably used the same type of design. Not having a separate star can save as much as 1cm of overall length in the light, but unfortunately makes it almost impossible to do conventional simple mods.
Of course even if there isn’t room for a DrJones driver, 18650 and star, there are options for the creative modder.
Mod idea 1:
Remove the integrated driver/star.
Install new Noctigon star, heatsink plug and 17mm DrJones driver.
You’ll probably also need to install a new switch. Old switch is likely mounted on the edge of the original driver. Glue the new switch onto the new driver with some arctic alumina.
If switch turns on in pocket, replace switch and switch spring to make it stiffer. Consider gluing small aluminum ring around edge of switch button to make accidental turn-on much less likely.
Run the light on IMR 18500.
If there’s still extra space in the light after installing the mod and shorter battery, file down the back of the battery tube and top of the tailcap to shorten the overall length of the light.
Mod idea 2:
Remove the integrated driver/star.
Install 20mm triple noctigon with your choice of emitter + Carclo optic.
Because the new optic is shorter than the original optic there should now be enough room for a thin driver. Install driver of your choice. A single-sided STAR FET driver from Mountain Electronics would do the job and give you a nice pocket rocket. Mount new switch to upper edge of the new driver.
If switch turns on in pocket, replace switch and switch spring to make it stiffer. Consider gluing small aluminum ring around edge of switch button to make accidental turn-on much less likely.
Re: pocket friendly
It’s amazing how pocket friendly a protruding sideswitch becomes when you glue a small ring, aluminum strip, or o-ring around the edges of the button. Very simple mod that can quickly convert a protruding button into a flush or even recessed button making accidental activation much less likely. Use super-glue gel or epoxy though… you don’t want runny glue running into the switch and gluing the button in place.
Re: UI
I agree the UI doesn’t sound too bad. Instant shortcuts to all modes from off sounds good. I do also have some questions though:
Turbo mode - does this only stay active while the button is held down? Or can you click and hold, then release after a second or two to stay in turbo mode?
How do you turn it off? Single click once on? Click and hold for 3 seconds once on? etc.
The UI would actually be pretty nice if the turbo mode was a click and hold for one second to toggle it on. And if turning it off from any mode was a single click after the light had been on more than 2 seconds.
Yes it is pretty small. At 87mm it’s 5mm shorter than a Sipik 68.
This kind of light is for someone who wants the smallest possible light while still maintaining the runtimes of an 18650. So its main purpose would be pocket EDC where small size and weight are desired. This isn’t a duty light where comfort and ergonomics are more important than tiny size.
Hopefully the protruding switch doesn’t cause a problem.
Wow, those are excellent ideas! I don’t have the time or desire to carry these out, I’d rather just use my Zebra lights. I am also expecting a Brass beauty 18650 that I will outfit with a Dr Jones driver. Love the creative ideas though!
This appears quite similar to the DQG 26650. The ui on the DQG 26650 is great apart from holding to turn off/on but I guess this is necessary for the other features of the ui. The turbo is easy to access from any mode. If the on/off was just a half second hold that would be great.
Great idea on modifying the switch to make it harder to accidentally activate. The 26650 is pretty easy to mechanically lockout anyway if you remember. The clip might help protect the switch as well. I would like to know if this will fit all batteries though.
Having to disable a lockout to use a light that negates the advantage of having a convenient side-switch. Even a twisty would probably be less effort. I like having a tailcap lockout with e-switch lights to cancel out parasitic drain during extended periods of non-use. But during pocket EDC use I wouldn’t ever want to use a lockout.
Fortunately, there are ways to mod sideswitches to make them much less likely to accidentally activate in the pocket so lockout shouldn’t be needed.