Driver Prefrence: Q Lite vs. NANJG 105c

I’m sure this has been brought up before but what drivers do you prefer? I have purchased a Q Lite. Its the only one I have had, but so far I am happy with it. Maybe there is an advantage with the NANJG 105c I don’t know about.

I believe stock Qlite and DrJones custom firmware Nlite are the same “type” of modes

Nanjg 105C is the “design” of the board

Qlite, Nlite and the DrJones drivers are all firmware that can be uploaded into a Nanjg 105c. They’re used as a replacement for the stock firmware.

Oh got ya. Thought they were two completely different drivers. Nevermind then. Im still learning.

I thought the same thing at first. I have three lights with njang drivers. Two of them have the NLITE firmware. I believe the third one (which came from Banggood) has the stock 3/5 mode firmware. I like the NLITE firmware better than the stock firmware. The stock firmware seems to have slower PWM. It also whines in medium mode if you hold it too close to something red. This is bothersome when I am wearing a red shirt and hold it close to me. My final complaint about the stock 3/5 firmware is that it will flash once when in low mode. I understand that it does this so you can change from 3 mode to 5 mode, but it is still a distraction.

The only other difference is that the qlite comes with 380mA binned 7135s where most 105Cs come with 350mA binned 7135s. Not enough difference to worry too much about IMO, but it is a slight difference. I think that the KD drivers also come with the 380mA binned 7135s. As noted above, the qlite is a 105C, just with different firmware and higher binned chips.

Qlite firmware has a low-battery shut-off.
Not certain which (if any) of the other 105c’s with stock firmware have shut-off (seems most only give warning flashes).
Qlite’s “mood mode” (if star connected) is a bit iffy with some XML/XML2’s, may be too low to be useful or not not light up at all.

I prefer the V2 105C drivers from Kaidomain, because they have much larger pads for soldering LED+ & - to. They use 380mA chips and have low voltage cut off. They also have a 50mA low mode version. I buy the Qlite, only because RMM stock them and I can get them fast, but I do not prefer them at all. I wish there was a US source for the KD V2 drivers. I would quit using Qlite.

i prefer the design of kaidomain as you mension large solder pads,put i like more the Qlite mods ,i prefer to have 4 real mods instead of 3 ,for me a low-low (50ma) mode is a must ,both drivers have it.

I did not know those KD V2 drivers, seem really nice but a bit dearer than the normal ones.

Interesting: I found that the medium whine also works near blue&white striped shirts!

I would say Qlite, almost perfect modes and the ultra-low 5mA is nice and useful for going to bathroom in the middle of the night without waking up (Convoy S2, XML 5C).
Other 105c´s doesn´t seem any worse, though. Well, i don´t like those Fasttech-stock-blinkers in their Convoys…

Really, the colour of clothing effects the PWM?

Actually Qlite does not whine in any condition unlike the 105C.

Review here

I’d throw the Kaidomain one’s in the garbage where they belong. The 7135 chip layout interferes with the ground ring on the spring side of the board. Zero possibility of screwing down a retaining ring on one of these types of boards.

forgot that KD driver dont have memory (you can enable it if you want).(i hate memory)

I wasn’t trying to say that the color of clothing effects PWM. What I’ve observed with my 105c driven flashlight is that the medium mode whine becomes significantly louder when the light is brought close to certain colors and shined at that color. If I am wearing a red shirt and put the reflector end of the flashlight up close to the shirt, the whine can be heard. My son has heard it as well when he was next to me. We tried it out with different colors of shirts. For us, the red shirt produced the most pronounced effect. There were some colors that didn’t seem to impact the whine. I suspect it is because of the frequency of light that is being bounced back at the emitter, interacting with the PWM frequency. On my light, it doesn’t do it at all when on high mode. If it does it on low mode, I can’t hear it. It’s quite noticeable in medium mode.

The whine in mid mode from what Ive read is common, at least with certain drivers. I wasn’t doubting you, I was just somewhat, not surprised exactly, but it was unexpected. I thought similar things as you suggest, but its way to technical for me.

Qlite best cheap general purpose driver circuit that is easily available.

Typical standard Nanjg 105C firmware. :Sp

It's much more likely that the color affects your hearing sensitivity than that the color affects the electronic components inside the flashlight.