DTP MCPCB Boards from Fasttech ?

No, this one is not DTP :sunglasses:

Great , Thank you

Thanks. That would explain why they are so cheap.

Thanks for this thread. I ordered the product linked above and hope it’ll work out (will report back once it is here and I found time to build a light with it. Coupon used: “THANKS15”). If there is any doubt or an issue with it I can still use the star for low-amp light applications.

Even in the worst case even a non-DTP mcpcb should be fine with 1-2 amps of current draw.

I think if you message Simon he’ll sell you 5pcs for 4.5$
This is the link of the DTP Boards that simon used to sell
Place an order on any item in his store without paying, then message him and ask him to sell you 5 or 10pcs

if you tell him that you’re from BLF forum and he’ll give you a 15% discount :slight_smile:

YEs it does, because the centre pad has rounded corners.
The picture is too small to be certain though, but i think i have one of those here and it’s DTP.

I see the pic is from Banggood.
The SKU is in the link, i’ll check it out.

Yep, these are DTP.

I bought one recently. (XHP70 version)
You can see the rounded corners of the centre pad, and there’s a kind of groove around the pad.

Hmm…I’ve been told somewhere that S2+ uses non-DTP PCBs. Does Simon use different 16 mm XM-L MCPCBs for different lights?

As I know clear C8 with biscotti was first old convoy model with dtp pcb in stock.

Thanks, for less than $1 each I decided to give it a go.

My black C8 with XP-L HI has a DTP board too.
Bought it from Gearbest before the clear one hit the market.

The time that DTP boards were rare are in the past.

Less than $1? I only see them for $1.39 with BlackFriday9% dropping the price down to $1.26.

“thermoelectric separated” search @ FastTech

There are many available copper boards at FastTech. Let me list you the boards which I think of or can confirm as non-DTP:


https://www.fasttech.com/products/3596001 Got one of these once, seems to be from the same manufacturer as the ∅14mm one. Converted it to DTP with a milling bit.

https://www.fasttech.com/products/3596000 Same smell as the previous ones.

The next board is DTP (thermoelectric separation technology):

Jerommel seems to have asked this here. Self quoting myself:

Cheers ^:)

Originally posted on Sat, 11/25/2017 - 18:44. Edited to fix a content error.

wow, Great info, Thanks alot Barkuti :smiley:

so we can say that the one I mentioned is concidered a DTP Board but with 85-90% efficiency if compared to a Noctigon, right?!

Could you send me its link please :slight_smile:

Here’s the <$1 deal:

Edited my post above fellows, I messed it up. :facepalm:

This board is thermoelectric separated (aka DTP).

Cheers ^:)

What about this?


the DTP Boards that Simon used to sell are back in stock

here is the link https://www.aliexpress.com/store/product/Free-shipping-16mm-1-6mm-copper-plate-for-CREE-XPE-XPL-XPG/330416_32732877483.html?af=1540683&cv=26189925&cn=42p018i5gukmxzr8yzwawkjw1ancifau&dp=v5_42p018i5gukmxzr8yzwawkjw1ancifau&mall_affr=pr1&aff_platform&cpt=1511712078185&sk=jqf2Rf6&aff_trace_key=8c254b421ed14f4ab3d58cea9a2d7260-1511712078185-08855-jqf2Rf6&terminal_id=44e5d3f0fafd448ab32c45e345194866

you can place an order an Leave him a message that you are from BLF forum and he’ll give you a 15% discount
1.04-0.15= 0.88 Cents a piece

The above-mentioned link of thulfiqar, for those using AdAway: https://www.aliexpress.com/store/product/Free-shipping-16mm-1-6mm-copper-plate-for-CREE-XPE-XPL-XPG/330416_32732877483.html

g_sintornillos, that 16mm FastTech board is the same, a thermoelectric separated one. Nice single piece price.

Cheers ^:)