Well, I had a 14500 blow up and it sounded like a hand grenade going off. I won’t rehash the details because they’re here:
But I will say the inside casing took off like a bullet and cracked a full-size coffeemaker basically in half. Shattered it like it had been hit by a shotgun blast. Not the glass decanter. The plastic part of the coffee maker.
I’m not quite sure of the size of the battery in these ecig things, but even if it was 1/4 the size of a 14500, it could have made one heck of a bang. Notice in my case, the battery was NOT encased in anything. It was the battery sitting in a charger.
I’m not taking the woman’s side, just saying that an explosion is possible. Unless you have had one of these batteries go off in your house, you have no idea of the size of the explosion. Like a similarly sized piece of C4.