Ec03 xhp50 + ft03 sst40

sold these lights thanks

Hey, are these two Astrolux lights still available? If so, I’m curious, what color are they? And do they include batteries?

If they are still available, feel free to reply, when you get a chance. Thank you.

Black, no batteries.
Responded to your PM :slight_smile:


Are these still available?


do you have photos? You could email or post here?

Link to photos in post 3
Can also email if you want send me a pm. Thanks

sorry for delay, was out of town with fam. Sending pm.

These are both still available, will also consider trades. into newer releases of lights

Well, it’s only been around 11 months, since the last comment. Are these still available? :slightly_smiling_face:

Just the EC03, i have a few others i want to sell but been lazy with posting. including IF25A, SP36,SC32,
D4V2, S21A. … maybe a couple more

So, did you end up listing these lights? Or selling them elsewhere? Or did you decide to keep them?

Well, if you still have some/all of these lights and you’re looking to sell them, feel free to let me know.

Thank you.

Just 2 left of the group i posted linked above /\

1 Thank