While searching for a solution on my other thread regarding storage/organizing EDC items at home, I came across a few things that might be of interest to fellow BLFers. These items are more for organizing your items while carrying. The first is a cool keychain with several quick-disconnects coupled to split rings:
I don’t have any experience with any of the items you posted, but here’s what I use:
I use a combination of a 6” A&P key ring, LuckyLine flex-o-loc, Boyou clips from CNQG and regular split rings.
The flexible rings make everything organize nicely in my pocket and the clips let me take stuff out when I need it (e.g. my Vic Vagabond, Spyderco Bug). The split rings are used to rotate some items 90 degrees so they sit better together, or to provide extra grip for some items (e.g. Black Ops V-cutter).
I’m still working on it so it’s quite messy, but it has served me well as it is in the past month or so.
Right side:
House, parents, mailbox keys, humongous Renault Megane car key.
Left side, from top to bottom:
Uncle Bill’s Sliver Gripper Tweezers
Spyderco Bug
Pico Widgy
Black Ops V-cutter
True Utility Telepen
Victorinox Vagabond
Delrin Storage Locker (with anti headache pills)
btw, I keep my iTP A3 R5 upgrade in the same pocket as my keychain, but not attached to it. It sees too much use during the day to have to pull the entire keychain out of the pocket so many times…
You carry your Renault’s card there? i always carried mine separately because i hated the other keys rattling. Problem was i left it inside the car many, many times…
Define “chain”!!! :bigsmile: I’m not joking…… i guess that if you can’t get it from a DIY store it must be something specific and i’m curious about it…