According to you in everything, just like you, I doubt that the MF02 deliver the advertised specifications, i think will be closer to 1300-1400 meters, but likewise, I am eager to have it.


Interested! Put me down for one.

Very accurate with the TN42 measurement, I get 88.870 mm with my Digital Verniers measuring inside to inside in my Crash Test - TN42 Reflector. :+1:

Pretty close on the K70 too, just measured mine 76.55mm and I was shaking, trying not too scratch it! :smiley:

I have TM16GT and a SP03 tweaked by 18sixfifty which have similar performance.

Will this have a noticeable increase in throw over the other two ?

If the MF02 is a true 2,700 vs. a true 2,000, then the MF02 in kcd should be 35% higher than an equal sized TN42.

According to djozz here: https://budgetlightforum.com/t/-/42408/3097,

throw is a ratio on diameter squared, so 89.9 sqr/71.4 sqr = 1.58, so assuming the TN42 throws 720 kcd (it's higher than rated 600 kcd), so the MF02 should throw 456 kcd at the same amps/output, but since it's 35% higher, then the calculated kcd should be: 456+160 = 616 kcd. There's not many reviews around on the TN42 I could find but JM's review has it at 1,965 lumens, 728 kcd, ballpark 2,000 lumens and 720 kcd

So if the LED and optics are the same, the MF02 should throw 616 kcd if I did the math correctly. I've been under the impression the TN42 has pretty darn good LED and optics as well.

Look'n at the TM16GT, it's rated at 252 kcd. Depending on what 18sixfifty did -- maybe only 10%-20% bump - the light is already top bin XPL HI's (V3).

So 20% would be 300 kcd. if the MF02 did as spec'd, it's 720 kcd.

300 kcd = 1,095 meters, 720 kcd = 1,697 meters

formula: distance (meters) = SQRT(candela * 4)

The question is to buy or not to buy ? :smiley:

Think I’ll wait for a review since it’s a cold ugly tint and the price is higher than initial prediction.

I have a feeling this light will be under perform from the specs.

Actually after the speculations about price hike freeme repeated that it’s expected to cost about the same as MF01. So it may or may not cost more.

Factory claimed 618kcd , so i guess real >600kcd would be awesome .

That’s outdated, now they claim 720 kcd.
Personally I hope for 500 kcd.

Outdated or not i still hope for 600kcd .

I repeat my question:

Any possibility to add one more mode? I think it would be nice to add a mode around 800/900 lumens.

I second that, that would be a good mode for moderate, longer runtime usage while still being quite bright.

You would have to ask Astrolux, this is not a BLF designed light.

Of course it is not a BLF designed light. But “Freeme” managed to make some changes in the Astrolux MF01, and one of them was to add one more mode. For that reason I ask the question, maybe he can do the same in this case.

May need to look at the MF01 thread, here it is:

You’re welcome.

I just found out the regular price of the BLF-Lumintop GT is going to be $259 and the group buy price is probably going to be closer to $159. It helps to put into perspective how inexpensive the MF02 is.

I will ask them once they resume work from holiday.

Thank you so much, hopefully they can make that change, it would be great, that and the neutral tint option.

I’m in position of the TN42 CW and the intensity of mine is around 725000 candela after 30 seconds with full charged batteries.