if light does not light up after removing paste you can sand a tiny bit off the tune on both ends
just remember that the thermal paste forces all current through those 3 tiny SS screws, as it cant make contact to the copper area around the mounting holes

I do not understand why they have not simply added a thin sheet of material glued in the tail cap or sanding this 0.1-0.2mm off tube end to fix short tube issue

You did screw in the battery tube first, then the tail cap, right?
It’s important to seat the battery tube to thd driver, then the tail cap pushes on the battery carrier.

Do you think it’s the same issue as the mf01? The battery tube machining causes the end cap to bottom out before it pushes the battery carrier all the way forward?

Yes its the first time i had it unscrewed in that end of the tube, otherwise i have just unscrewed the tail cap to get at the carrier to swap out batteries with fresh ones.
I have been running it as my living room light since day one to get some “lighthours” on it fast to see if there was any weaknesses.

When i find my little brass washers / shims i might solder them to the driver so they can act as a kind of stand offs and hopefully facilitate a better contact surface.

Right now i just cut a pice of a old ATM card to space things out a little to get more pressure on the carrier.

I cant see any of the pictures that sparkyDK posted? I am using this site with my phone though…


I use an old notebook with Firefox and Lubuntu

I see this

Using my link expander demon I see this

The pictures that sparkyDK posted are not public access, we must sign in

It’s just a picture of a map. Not beamshots.

Do not worry

I ordered mine on Dec 7. It says on the DHL it will arrive on monday. I tracked and its in Cincinnati now

Funny how that work, you can only use some google things if you are signed in, they really are a evil company just like so many other in the same business.

Actually i saw the same a little while back, entering a forum where i shared some pics, but as i wasent signed in to the google account i posted the pictures with a couldn’t see them myself.

Will have to find a more sane place to put photos than google photos :disappointed: used a Danish site for many years but they died a few months back.

The DSlr and tripod are ready to go, hoping to be able to get some beamshots on Monday.

NW has no shipping information yet :frowning:

Finished my testing for the CW MF02. Nothing surprising in the results. It’s a great thrower for the money and size but no real threat to the TN42 objectively speaking.

I am cancelling my preorder.
Due to the fact that I don’t want to fight again with Banggood again in case something goes wrong.
One faulty MF-01 was enough.

It’s a shame, I thought we had a real winner with this one, and I enjoyed using it while it lasted. But BG really need to work on their QC. A missing tripod adapter, shoulder strap clip that breaks after two uses, and a light that will no longer turn off (and not change modes from the lowest settings half the time) - not sure how they could have got it so wrong.

Stating grossly exaggerated specs obviously doesn’t exactly create confidence in their brand, either.

Havent really followed this thread and light.
I have to say I love the design, I think it looks really good. But after reading only the latest comments here it seems there is some problems with the driver its reliability and some QC issues?
That would be a real shame…

When the second version is available with the new driver I would like to get a coupon for purchase. CW Model

Edit: cw or nw…

Has anybody tried making a dual head light with this and the MF-01 already?


The Astrolux just shipped. The Mateminco version has been out longer and yes, they have been combined. Many pictures have been posted.

I tested 2 heads of v1 and v2 MF01 on a v1 tube they worked mechanically

But I instantly stopped after I coulde see visible flicker on one head running higher levels, the drivers seem to interact badly with their buck and boist drivers using likely with the same switching frequency, did now want to push my luck as one head was not mine