FastTech coupon keep members updated

There is no space at the end, copy it correctly. It works, just checked, you guys are useless sometimes really. Can’t even copy paste :weary:


Worked for me! Thanks! :slight_smile:

Not for long I just read on FT from geek that it is supposed to run for about a week from 6th May. It’s already couple months overdue.

Anybody knows how to get to the page with request tickets? So I can browse and support some and possibly make a new one of it’s not already present. I can only find a way to make one not to browse :confused:
Navigate me or link me to it, thanks.

Wanna make sure XP-G2 R5 NW WW, SinkPADs are there. Nichia 219 is there and see it’s status.
Possibly make a request for a boost buck driver haha, that nobody made yet it seems and LightMalls screwed the request up.

Thx! Works here (Chrome browser)

Alright the suggestions are here.
Hover over reviews button near the cart.

Though I’m directly submitting requests instead as well :stuck_out_tongue:

CPASTE13SPRING still worked for now :smiley:

CPASTE13SPRING also worked for me on a multimeter I bought 2 days ago, because the standard BLF code doesn’t work on certain non-flashlight items. Thanks for the code.

For Product Requests, Click on “Your Orders” at the top; it’s on the left under Personalization:

If you post a link to what you requested in this thread then others can request it too.

Ah that’s a new thread Chloe, sure I will post my requests there for others to see and bombard FT with similar or the same requests 0:)

CPASTE13SPRING worked last night, now become invalid code. Should place all of my order last night, not partially :frowning:

argh!! same thing here… need new code!! :stuck_out_tongue:

Any updates on multi-purpose codes? :smiley:

Probably not, you have to beg at FT to give you some :bigsmile:
I suppose they give them out elsewhere but somehow make their way even here via users.


A moderator on FastTech forums recommended following geek’s suggestion to search Google for a new code. Is this a wild goose chase?

Wow, this is going to get fun!

I’ll PM you guys if I find anything.

i think they may be referring to the old way to handle this PRICECONTROL bs...

DAAAAAAA :party:

PM sent.

Well. I tried google and came across a lot of crap … nothing usefull.

Please let me know if you find something… Thanks alot!!