Hey all, I just was wondering what your favorite YouTube channels are.
It’d be great to see what others are enjoying, so I think if we mentioned a couple of our favorite channels and posted one or two representative videos, maybe we help find great video content for others too.
In this channel, Shahriar does repairs and teardowns of electronic equipment, explaining how they work during the process. The concepts are often quite advanced, but if you’re a student studying electrical engineering, his videos are great.
Hopefully when I become more knowledgeable about electronics, I’ll be able to give back to the community just like Shahriar.
One of the most popular electronics channel. I find Dave quite funny and entertaining, and the channel is geared towards those who want to get their hands into electronics. Runs a large forum as well.
Logan, Wendel, and others talk about computers and technology. Well edited and has a large fanbase.
Gathers up tech news and discusses them in a weekly basis, and they keep me up to date.
And that about does it for me.
Note, no Nutnfancy, I used to rate him but now I think he’s a pratt, good for a laugh but I couldn’t take him seriously any more.
One I left out is unplugged woodshop. I like watching people with skills I’ll never hope to have. This guy makes beautiful wood items like the architect’s table in the video below. Only thing, he uses no power tools. He only uses hand saws and hand planers and hand bits. I priced the tools he uses and each planer is about $300 and each saw costs just as much. He also uses very few if any screws as he uses hand made dowels to put the pieces together. His hand fitting of pieces together rivals what most skilled woodworkers can do with up to date machinery, but he does it all by hand. It takes a little while to watch each video until he’s done, but it’s impressive. My dad has about $40K in woodworking equipment and he was impressed.
I hate you all as I dont have time to watch a tenth of these but one I did watch and glad you could not see the expression on my face as I was dumbfounded by the abilities of this guy Stan Wilson. What an ability to use basic tools and his imagination. Wow.