[finished] Ruckusmattster’s 12th Annual Old Lumens Challenge Entry - Hand Made

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These are pretty realistic, today was very foggy (the first time since at least a year we’ve had it this dense :blush::blush:), if anything it’s brighter irl

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Wow that came out really good with the briefcase. You do look extremely suspicious with a briefcase connected to a backpack by a wire so id be carefull not to scare innocent bystanders. Also probably at the distance this thing throws moisture in the air reduces the throw enough that it is noticable. So i dont think youll get 6km with it but its still insanity.

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with the moisture in the air that night we couldnt see more than 100 meters with it :rofl:
the box certainly gets a lot of side eyeing when we were walking through the streets. i hope to prank someone with the bomb timer sound effect someday - though im pretty sure it can be illegal if done in public

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Missed opportunity: you had to wear a black suit and sunglasses, like the men in black, just for bad-ass look :smiley:

Nice project!

4 Thanks

Yeah… the way people freak out at the slightest provocation these days, you may get shot…or have the local SWAT team called…

thankfully, im in england, so no guns :sunglasses:

this covers some basic details of the searchlight, including specific details and facts about the bulb and the setup. i will include further documents on this github showing labelled images of the searchlight case and how to find suitable projectors.

*i know at the bottom is says (video)[placeholder] thats because editing is harder than i thought lmao. but ill update here when its done - likely after the submission deadline

im aware this thread has been very messy - so im hoping the github will be a central location where the info can easily be read

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1.2km beamshot

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That is absolutely amazing. One of the nicest beams I’ve ever seen from something handheld. I bet it must feel amazing to use, especially on a foggy night! Well done mate!

It’s absolutely magical in person, and when the Ghostbusters theme song plays it’s hard not to grin. Thank you so much

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Great project!

Really cool! Looks like a portable light saber! :cowboy_hat_face:

Ok then, now you have state your case,

I’d like to congrats you @Ruckusmattster for the case you build.
It start with a heavy looks suitcase and ends up as a light case, i know its not a briefcase; thank you to share this show case to us

I rest my case,and you may also rest yours till its night time and you have to set out your case


Thank you, I thought I was having a stroke when I first read that😂

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Haha… just remember to inform us here if you have any reply from Pluto or Mars… after a beam blast here and there.

O, if theres any chance you take that case to Paris and hit that glass pyramid at the museum and brings out colorful spectrum,dont forget to inform Pink Floyd with the outcome … :sweat_smile:


ive ordered another projector to tear down for parts. ive learnt how to passivly correct the power factor and im feeling confident that ill be able to install this second bulb into the same briefcase. hopefully this doubles my range.

it wont be done in time for the competition but ill post photos when its done

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managed to get some beamshots, theres still some light fog with google weather saying 4 miles of visibility, but this is the clearest its been for a while


we parked nearby outside a farm and once we got back to the car and id put all the light away, some farmer and his family came out with lights looking about.
i briefly said hi and let them know we were just stopping here for a moment and asked if theyd come to see us, they said it was something else that they were looking for.
then as we pulled down the road to drive home a police car passed us
in a very quiet area, im thinking it wasnt such a coincidence

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for reference, this is a daytime shot from a google streetview car of the first photo

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started work on a v2, i still have a elliptical reflector bulb kicking about for a fresnel lens but thats a lot more difficult than this, plus id like to work on a HID reflex reflector light next (possibly make it a rectangle pocket sized light)

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