itsit’sgettingit’s it’s getting annoying tryingtryiuse toto ue useThePhoneTouseThePHEREhoneTo rplyreply
somewhereintheprogrammingisanerror… LETSSTARTAGROUOBUYFORTAPATALKSUPPORT!!
Yeah it’s extremely frustrating, I’m on my computer now but when I try to post on my phone these days it will start typing ok and then will start doing what yours is doing, doubling up words and jumping back to other words etc and I end up just closing it and not posting anything.
ummm theres nothing wrong with mine however?
It would be great if BLF supports Tapatalk.
+1 I’ve no issues, with Chrome Mobile or Firefox Mobile, neither via mobile UA or via Desktop UA, can someone elaborate which issues they have? With which platform and browser?
… as I said other times there others absences this board has. It’s like a very basic html site. Search in thread, subrcribing management, profile management and various scripts, take xda-dev for example, or many other less big than this sites with SMF boards
and Tapatalks it’s terrible, I have been a Pro/Paid user since many years, they made a mess with Pro/Free/HD versions and almost nothing works as it should, the programm itself it’s very slow, compared to the browser of the phone, not mentioning how it’s incredible how sluggish is despite the content shown being even less usable, so there only cons and no pro in it…. :absurd:
nothing wrong with the browser, I’ve never heard of someone not being able to type with spaces :bigsmile:
Had a pretty negative experience even with the Pro version, and I hate those “DO YOU HAZ TAPATALK? DOWNLOAD NOW1!!” popups when I visit Tapatalk-supported forums.
Double the words,double the fun J)
Nothing wrong on my phone either, which suggests it’s not the site’s fault.
Did you need to scream? ( CAPS)
Never use opera mini on blf. I regret that choice before
Sorry for the trouble. (Un)fortunately Tapatalk isn’t supported here. I do need to look into a mobile (responsive) theme, but that wouldn’t necessarily fix trouble with text input. With that being said, it does seem to work for me on all the Android browsers I’ve tested it on.
Mr. Nobody, could you please tell us what sort of device you are using and which browser and version? Thanks.
Tapatalk is really a must imo. So many forums I enjoy while commuting and unfortunately BLF is not one of them. Too awkward navigating in a browser compared to the steamlined tapatalk experience…
You are using advanced post editor on mobile, right? (Check "Input format" below the reply field)
I had that kind of problems when I started using mobile and tried to continue using the advanced editor. Switching to simple editor helped both on IOS & Android.
[Still using the Advanced editor on laptop]
I have problem replying in Chrome/IOS too.
Why not install a modern bulletin board software like MyBB or phpBB and then figure out a script to migrate the forum? Google has provisions for moving posts and theoretically it won’t screw up your good SEO if you do it right. You could move to something modern and still bask in the glow of Google’s love.
I did a MyBB install yesterday for the survival and emergency preparedness forum. Behold the glory that is the current version of MyBB 1.8.5. The community here is awesome, but the software is a little hokey brah

Why not install a modern bulletin board software like MyBB or phpBB and then figure out a script to migrate the forum? Google has provisions for moving posts and theoretically it won’t screw up your good SEO if you do it right. You could move to something modern and still bask in the glow of Google’s love.
I did a MyBB install yesterday for the survival and emergency preparedness forum. Behold the glory that is the current version of MyBB 1.8.5. The community here is awesome, but the software is a little hokey brah
+1… And that’s exactly what I was saying
That looks great!