[FIXED] 1 post per minute

The one post per minute rule is just fine and rather effective against mass spam.

However, it makes no sense when editing a post. I nerver seam to katch my errorz on the perview scren…

same here. and then i keep thinking its been a min and i can post and then the timer resets.

i hate to say it, but any way we can implement something like CPF has, where if you try too quick it says “try again in 33 seconds” or something like that. the timer resetting when i hit post to quick is what gets me

What you said makes perfect sense about editing your own post. I constantly make grammar and or spelling mistakes I need to correct in a hurry. I hate looking stuuuupid!

I agree that it should be changed though. Just no time limiting for editing. I don’t see any cons with that and only pros.

lol You and I both speak from experience!

That does get mighty annoying though

On any other forum, I may think it odd that this topic is viewed from such a philosophical standpoint by so many people.

The people that were here before the 1 minute rule know how effective it is at protecting us from Paisley .

If editing and posting need one limit, I am all about keeping it at one minute given the history with spammers. It simply means fewer posts to mark as spam. That said…

I have no experience with PHP but spent a couple years programming on mainframes…. Can you point me at the source code?

Mainframes… how quaint… :wink:

… then i remember that it’s not the punctuation or spelling, but the content of the post that counts :wink:

Seriously though, not sure ’bout the whole spammers thing… I mean, we have a password and then the b-l-f thingy. A script could easily be written to flood the forum even with the 00:60.00 thing if they really wanted, I guess.

As quaint as your bank account, any investment/retirement accounts, and your insurance accounts. Most if not all are likely managed on big iron. :wink:

The perception of obsolescence helped me get the job. Schools were focused on the “cool stuff” and new grads wanted it even if they had some other training. I got hired into an internal training program to learn how.

Ahh, but most big iron these days ain’t what it used to be. Today it’s lots and lots of little iron wired together.

1 minute rule reminds me to stop and think. If I’m in that much of a hurry I shouldn’t be here anyway.

lets not forget the vega :bigsmile:

I hate that too, I see this message dozen times a day….

Could we just remove it all together and don’t apply such silly limits, especially not on editing posts.

Ok maybe if you’re scared of spamming, leave it for posting replies to threads but not for editing!

I had to learn to use the preview much much more since I’m very used to post, read and edit mistakes etc.

All the time :wink:

Like * hell now! Remove it please, why can’t I post quickly a reply to another post and have that reply added this way?

The formatting is sometimes off so it’s best for me to just post it and edit it afterwards.

You better believe it. What we have works fine. Yes i make mistakes and have to edit a post. I open a new tab and keep surfing until the one minute is up.


You had to be here to know. We had times where you couldn't get a post in because of the spambots. If you have a better solution than what sb did to stop the madness, post it up, otherwise, see you in a minute...

I'm becoming fond of The Chrysler(Kriesler) technique ...

My new spin on it is... to delete your post before even sending it.

Ask yourself before posting if you think anyone should really give a damn ... this cuts down on at least 50% of all posts


When starting a post

he realized his boast

was basically contemptuous and arrogant.

reaching for send

he remembered his friend

had told him to use more ........???? deodorant ??sycophant ? sealocamp? tarragon ?? Punctuation ?

my poetry stinks -