[FIXED] 1 post per minute


Now I can’t even preview my edit! :frowning:
Remove this nonsensical 1 operation per minute thingy please.

that is not new… have i mentioned that i hate it.

At LEAST the edit should not be limited.

IMO 30sec would be better anyway…

A quote from a member that everyone’s familiar with, Old-Lumens says it best “It is what it is.”

Simple as that. Get used to it and abide. You could always float over at the other place while you wait….

So is the other place

I’ll chime in, I guess.

- New posts and replies: 1 minute rule (no change from current)

  • Edits and previews: no time limit (seems like a simple change, but what do I know)

This change does not increase the risk of added spam over the current functionality.
The only reason I can think of to not do this change would be difficulty in implementation.



Did you pass? :nerd_face:

The editing delay encourages me to engage my brain before hitting the “save” button. So if I have to wait a minute too bad, my bad.

test edit

Yipieh it works :party:

Yay!!! Thank you!! :party:

There were a few different suggestions made. For clarity, what changes were made?
Edit: Editing delay is gone, that’s a definite improvement. Thanks! :smiley:

I haven't tried it yet, but that's a big improvement! I constantly make mistakes leaving words out, grammar errors, etc.

Edit, it works!!!! Thanks!!!!!

Many, many thanks to our wonderful SB, who is quickly becoming a master of the PHP arts.

:stuck_out_tongue: Not exactly (this one was beyond my skills, had to get a developer to code it for me), but thanks for saying “thanks”!


Its the thought that counts. :wink:
I also found the edit 1-min delay annoying. But where I came from it was kind of a rule to not complain. Then there was another rule that said no complaining about the rules. And the rules where changed as they seen fit.
So I didn’t say anything here because this place is so much better than having to deal with those rules or rulers.
I just like to say a big thanks for doing this SB. You listen to your members suggestions and try to improve on what they suggest.
Couldn’t ask for a better place to discuss our flashaholic addiction. Thanks again. :bigsmile:

Well that’s the rules. It’s all about protection.