Flashlight Firmware Repository

Different compiler version and language version. You can make it ‘static inline’. inline on its own was never really a good idea.

I tried docker but for some reason the daemon doesn’t want to start, there is some contradictory information about renamed files in the FBSD guide so I will look into that later.

The main thing is to get the firmware for the D4V2 compiled and the SC31pro, not worried about code size as I will remove code anyway, so could you give the steps to compile the devel version of avr-libc? There is no configure file (logically) and though I have automake and autoconf installed, trying those I get errors about missing M4 files. This information would probably be useful for anyone else who wants to do this.

Maybe my build file for the package helps: anduril-buildenv-docker/APKBUILD_avr-libc at master · SammysHP/anduril-buildenv-docker · GitHub

The TS25 has Anduril2 and flash pads. I can wrangle C. Where is the source code for this light?

The code in bazaar.net looks to not have been updated for a couple of years.

The code on Toykeeper’s site is more current, but I don’t see any Wurkkos products.

The version is: 202207250715.

You need a build from @gchart.

Thanks, after looking at @gchart 's posts I came across this, but it’s still unclear where the source is for this light.

It should be in this branch:


Unpinned !

Looks to be it, thank you!

I’m trying to get “dynamic” mode group changes running with bistro.

Meaning that it changes between mode_group 1 and 2 with a triple tap

For that I removed the whole bit after

if (fast_presses > 0x0f)

And added

if (fast_presses > 5) {  // Config mode
            _delay_s();       // wait for user to stop fast-pressing button
            fast_presses = 0; // exit this mode after one use
			mode_idx = 0;
			if (modegroup == 0) {
				modegroup = 1;
			else {
				modegroup = 0;
			output = modes[mode_idx];
            actual_level = output;

But it doesn’t seem to switch the group on the fly.
It wont switch between mode_group 1 and 2

Has anyone done something similiar before?
I know that lucidrv for example does the Turbo-Shortcut so it must be possible

Hello, on an S2+ with 4 modes 0.1% -3% -30% -100%.

Doesn’t this type have a tiny type micro controller and I can’t change it to 12 modes?

Or does it have a hidden function to change the mode.

I would like to have strobe.

I would like to have something like this 0.1% -3% -30% -100% -Strobe or another mode that includes it.

Thank you.

Many Convoy drivers don’t use the ATtiny microcontroller anymore, but a different controller that cannot be updated.

1 Thank

Ok I thought so, it would be nice if they were all mode 12 but locked in 4 and choose each one the mode.

I didn’t know anything about this and it was the first one I saw I just noticed it was with the sst40.

I still don’t have it, but I know about electrical and programming if I open it I would see it right away but I guess if it warns that they are 4 modes it will have a cheap ic that just does that.

It is a theory, without opening it I do not know.

Even if it matches the pibes could be soldered an atiny I have several models of 8 pins in smd.

Thanks for the heads up nor will I open it will be as you say.

Hi all, It’s been eternity plus 5 months since I’ve flashed any drivers and now I cant remember. I’m working on something very basic. I have the old STAR firmware loaded into Atmel Studio 7.0.

  1. EDIT: Nevermind the first part, I figured that out.

  2. Also I cant remember. When I flash a 7135 driver can I just flash it with OFF time memory code, or does it require different hardware on the driver?

Offtime memory requires an OTC (capacitor) on pin 2. The “noinit” version, star noinit, uses a different method and does not require the OTC. I’d suggest trying the noinit version.

If you’re actually using the AVRISP mkII to flash, (or ATMEL ICE) you can flash without AVR-tools / AVRDude, flashing directly from Atmel Studio, but be aware that these devices do not supply Vcc to the target MCU like the USBASP programmer does. You need to supply 2.8V-5V to the board with a liion or other source in order to flash it.

1 Thank

Are there any “double click” examples for clicky firmware?
I only know 3 clicky firmwares with this functionality and the source code isn’t available for any of them.

1 Thank

Which one do you mean exactly? There are multiple examples which have an action associated with double click / tap.

Lucidrv(2)/Guppy3drv/the L4P LD-A4/B4

I’m planning to build a bunch of TA 17mm FET+6+1.
I basically just want to add double tap Turbo to tripledown or add 3channel support and double tap turbo to Biscotti

1 Thank

Crescendo has double tap, triple tap and quad tap options too and its firmware is avaible

3 Thanks